Sound Transit announcement.
Sound Transit is seeking volunteers from the Pierce County, Snohomish County, North King County, East King County, and South King County Subareas to help the agency succeed in meeting its commitments to the public. The Community Oversight Panel (COP) currently has eight openings on the COP: one for the Pierce County Subarea, two for the Snohomish County Subarea, two for the North King County Subarea, one for the East King County Subarea, and two for the South King County Subarea. Sound Transit relies on the oversight and expertise of this dedicated and independent group of volunteers and encourages community members to apply.
The COP was created in 1997 to independently monitor Sound Transit and make sure it meets its commitments to build and operate a regional bus, light rail and commuter rail transit system. Its 15 members represent a variety of interests, professional expertise and lived experience.
The members are tasked with being knowledgeable about the agency’s actions and plans, reviewing programs, asking hard questions and reporting findings back to the Sound Transit Board of Directors. Agency staff regularly brief the panel on all aspects of Sound Transit’s planning, construction and operational activities.
The COP members serve three-year terms and come from a variety of backgrounds throughout the Sound Transit service area.
While the panel members were previously required to attend two meetings per month during business hours at Union Station in Seattle, meetings will now be held once a month in the evenings with an option to join virtually.
Individuals who have skill, experience or insights into any of the following areas and care about the direction of the biggest transit investment program in the nation should consider applying:
- Community engagement activities
- Project planning
- Budgeting and financial planning
- Project schedule management
- Performance audits
- Social justice and equity efforts
- Rider Experience
Members must live or work in the Sound Transit District and commit to attending one meeting a month either in person or virtually from 5:30 p.m. – 8:15 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month.
To Apply
Submit an application online or mail/email a completed application and a resume to Kent Keel, Sound Transit Board Chair, 401 South Jackson Street, Seattle, WA 98104-2826; or
Appointment Process
Copies of all applications and resumes or other summary of experience will be provided to the Sound Transit Board for its review. The Board’s Executive Committee will review and recommend candidates. The Board of Directors will confirm the appointments.
Sound Transit actively seeks to include persons from diverse backgrounds and professional areas of expertise to support agency oversight, planning and operations. Persons of color and women are encouraged to apply.