Pierce Transit announcement.
Pierce Transit will implement its twice-yearly service change Mar. 20, with minor bus route changes consisting primarily of trip time adjustments on six routes. Details of all changes by route are available at PierceTransit.org/pierce-transit-routes.
With this service change, the agency will implement its year-long Bus Stop Balancing project, resulting in the removal of a number of Pierce Transit bus stops. The Bus Stop Balancing project began with a thorough review of each Pierce Transit bus stop in the system along with feedback from the public. Pierce Transit conducted extensive outreach and received hundreds of comments regarding stops throughout its system. At the conclusion of the study, about ten percent of bus stops were selected for removal. The goal of this project is to speed up trips, since bus stops will no longer be too close together. To view a map showing stops to be removed, visit PierceTransit.org/busstops.
Pierce Transit provides free Wi-Fi on buses and has invested in other technology that helps riders understand system conditions, such as bus departures and how to locate their bus in real-time. Riders can get up-to-date information through:
- Public website PierceTransit.org, for complete schedules (to view, download or print by route), maps, trip planning, service alerts and real-time information.
- Monitors at major boarding hubs, showing real-time arrival information.
- Transit app for trip planning and real-time information.
- Route alerts by subscription: Sign up at PierceTransit.org/StayConnected.
- Call (from any phone) or text (from a smart phone) your bus stop number to 253.533.7084 for real-time arrival info.
- Call Customer Service for assistance at 253.581.8000, option 1, then option 1 again. They can also print and mail individual route schedules.