Pierce County Executive, Bruce Dammeier announcement.
Despite the increased conjecture over the last couple of years, I was not ready for the announcement that Russell Wilson had been traded to Denver. And the reactions of people I talked with were across the board.
Some frustrated Seahawks fans wished him good riddance, while others thought it was the worst possible move the team leadership could make – and everything in between (Die-hard Broncos fan, Mary Ransier, was especially thrilled with the trade.).
For me, the 2014 Super Bowl win over the Broncos was so sweet (Remember that, Mary?) – and I yearned to return to that Seahawks team – young, brash, world-beaters. Wilson was an incredibly talented quarterback and team leader. He was a man of character who visited our local children who were hospitalized. Those big personalities and gifted athletes came together to deliver a season that will stay with me forever.
This week’s trade of Wilson, release of Bobby Wagner, and court appearance by Richard Sherman, made one thing abundantly clear – there is no going back – only moving on.
I will still cheer for Russell even wearing orange and blue. I want the absolute best for Bobby – another incredible leader and athlete that made my Sunday afternoons exciting. And I wish for healing and, ultimately, happiness for Richard, too. As a state senator representing the 25th Legislative District in 2014, my Super Bowl jersey carried Sherman’s name and number.

But my primary focus will be on the players who will be joining the Seahawks. I am eager for the next Super Bowl.
Today also marks a key turning point for COVID-19. After nearly two years of masking mandated by the State, tomorrow wearing a mask will return to being the decision of each individual. Thankfully, our local COVID cases and hospitalizations have been dropping dramatically. We are switching from battling the pandemic with emergency measures, to learning to live with it in our lives with the advice of our personal doctors and pharmacists.
The impact of COVID on all of us has been different. My 5-year-old granddaughter’s experience is very different than the 18-year-old who lost the Senior Year they had envisioned. Or neighbors with compromised immune systems who had to be very careful, or far too many families who lost loved ones.
At this point I would love to return to a pre-COVID normal, but that can’t happen either. We have all changed individually and our society has changed, too. There is no going back – only moving on.
But my primary focus will continue to be on bringing people together to take on the challenges facing our community, for a brighter future for everyone in Pierce County.
Thanks for reading.
That’s right we can’t go back in time, only forward, and pray to God that the emerging data on the vaccines is something we can live with.
Lost income can be made up over time, but the debt will be shouldered entirely by those of us who actually pay taxes while paying our own way through life as well.
Public trust in government and “science” and “experts” has been destroyed. That will not return to “normal”, but instead will lead to a renewed interest in self-reliance. That’s great for the individual and freedom – not so much for the leftist nanny state.
If we emerge from this more free, independent, and self-reliant, it may have been worth it, but that takes courage so that too will probably wane.
Of course that will depend also on who is spinning the narrative and who is buying it.
If the past is an indicator, I see more dictatorial “leadership” with a big ol flock of sheep mindlessly following.
It’s ironic how the pontificators of “art and science” can be also the most-devoid of original thought – political science being the exception.