Nancy Henderson announcement.
Thank you Jake Orthouse, Greg Alderete, Lynn and Roger Neal, Carol and Steve Saynisch, Dan McCroskey, Michael Richardson, Tina Johnstone, Mark Turpin, Dick Muri, Cheri Carlson, and Dave Zink for participating in the Farrells Marsh Work Party on Thursday, 10 February. We had four first-time volunteers and one came all the way from Brown’s Point in Tacoma!
After two hours of removal of ivy from trees and from along trails and areas where the ivy is advancing, the improvements are noteworthy. More trees have been liberated from ivy’s strangling grip. Many native plants now have access to sunlight and a chance to thrive. A large pile of ivy is evidence of the hard work. It will slowly degrade in place.

The pile should get considerably higher after the next work party:

Two minutes’ worth of ivy removal reveals two small western hemlock trees and a small snowberry plant growing atop an old stump. Unchecked, ivy becomes a dense ground cover suffocating native plants.
Next work party: Farrells Marsh Park, Oak St. entrance, Sunday, 27 February, from 1 to 3 PM.