A Clover Park School District story.

Our Promising Futures featured student this week is Open Doors senior Cameron Shaffer-Lick.
He joined the Open Doors program in the winter quarter of his junior year after learning the program provided one-on-one learning and a more flexible schedule. “It’s easier for me when my teachers don’t have to be focused on other students and can help in situations where I need more help than others or let me learn things my own way when I’m confident I can solve a problem,” he said.
Through Open Doors, Cameron learned that his greatest strength is his ability to work independently. “When I really want to do something, I’m focused, and I have a really good work ethic,” he said. “I don’t always like to ask for help right away, but I try to find things out the best I can. I’d say I’m a pretty good problem solver.”
Open Doors has been a great resource for Cameron as a working student who took on extra hours at work to help with staffing shortages. “If I was still in traditional school, I’d probably be behind,” he said. “But now that I’m doing better with this program, I feel better about going to work and continuing school.”
Cameron highly recommends Open Doors and has already suggested it to friends.