Submitted by Jan McCrimmon.

Golfers, mark your calendars for Saturday, May 14th, for the Second Annual Ron Lucas Golf Tournament. The event will be held at Meadow Park in Tacoma on the Executive nine-hole course. This tournament is just perfect for week-end type golfers, golfing families, and those who just want to get out and enjoy the day. The first tee off is set for 8:00AM with teams following at ten-minute intervals. One hundred and forty golfers will be accommodated in this nine-hole scramble.
The cost for an individual is set at $50.00 or $180.00 for a team of four. Prizes will be awarded for first place Mens, Womens, and Mixed teams, for Men, Women, Junior Male and Female longest drives, and for Men, Women, Boy, and Girl closest to the pin, as well as Straightest Drive. In addition, there is a grand prize of $10.000.00 for a hole-in-one. Come join the fun, 100% of the proceeds benefit the Steilacoom Historical Museum Association. To register and pay online, please go to: