Pierce County announcement.

Our sewer main repair project on Steilacoom Boulevard in Lakewood is on the home stretch! The contractor working for Pierce County is preparing the road for asphalt pavement and finishing up work for other underground utilities. Meanwhile, crews will be pouring concrete for the sidewalk infrastructure this week.
In January, the contractor completed the manhole installation and removed the bypass system, which successfully redirected the wastewater flow to the new 120-inch polymer concrete structure and the 36-inch sewer pipe.
Crews are planning to pave the road in the second week of February and install temporary road markings the following week, pending weather conditions. Steilacoom Boulevard is targeted to reopen by the end of the third week of February.
We appreciate the community’s patience and understanding during this project.
For all the “hard hats” who got this actual infrastructure project done — thank you. Mike Rowe continues to remind us that behind our comforts are good folks like you.
Now, about those pot holes.
Really looking forward to this project being done.
Maybe when the paving is done, there will be some material left over to finish filling the potholes on Nyanza Rd. Sw. Yeah, some got done, but not all. Sigh