A Clover Park School District story.

Our Promising Futures featured student this week is Clover Park High School senior Michelle Casas.
Michelle hasn’t graduated yet but has been fulfilling her college requirements the past two years as a running start and Upward Bound student. Through these programs, she’s explored future career pathways and gotten a feel for the college experience. “I really enjoy learning new things so the programs have been great because I can pick my courses and focus on things I like, like math,” she said.
When Michelle is on campus at CPHS, she can’t wait to decompress from her college-level math courses and tap into her creative side. “I’ve been taking art classes since middle school, and it’s always been something I’ve enjoyed,” she said. “I really like the creative aspect of it, getting to express myself a bit more and seeing how I can put my thoughts to paper.”
Putting thoughts to action runs in the family. Michelle grew up watching her dad run his own business and has big plans for her own future. “I loved watching my dad build up his own company and I really like the idea of being a part of my own business one day,” she said.
After graduation, she plans on transferring to Pacific Lutheran University to major in business finance and one day introduce herself as, “Michele Casas, C.E.O.”
We believe in you, Michelle!
The initiative and determination you are applying to your studies and goals will take you far. Thank you for sharing your plans with us. You’re on your way!