Monday, Jan. 24, 2022
(Study Session)
Monday’s meeting began with a presentation from Partners for Parks on the progress of its early efforts to renovate one of the historic barns at Fort Steilacoom Park, perhaps converting it to a multi-use community space. Early study data seems to support the feasibility of a restoration project. Partners for Parks estimates a cost of $7.5 million and presented some preliminary fundraising ideas.

Lakewood’s Long-Range Planning Manager Tiffany Speir reviewed the City’s Buildable Lands Report and growth targets. The report projects that Lakewood’s population will grow by 13,380 by 2044, and that 5,498 additional housing units must be added to support that growth. The report projects employment growth of 9,863 in that time.
Assistant City Manager Dave Bugher reviewed changes to the Multifamily Housing Tax Exemption (MFTE) program approved by the state legislature. Changes include adjustment of certain definitions and criteria to expand eligibility, and creation of a new 20-year exemption to stimulate more development of units for low-income renters. 8 Lakewood developments have benefitted from MFTEs since 2006.
Several businesses north of JBLM in the “North Clear Zone” must relocate to expand the buffer area for landing aircraft to comply with federal requirements. The City of Lakewood has been working for well over a year to facilitate these relocations. The City has completed the purchase of the Tactical Tailor facility through a mix of county, state, and federal funds to this end.
City Manager John Caulfield briefed the council on progress to implement the LPD body camera program, progress to launch a new community emergency notification system, progress to establish an ad hoc tree advisory committee, and the upcoming state legislative session.
Next Meetings:
- Monday, February 7, 2022