Clover Park School District announcement.

Our Promising Futures featured student this week is Lake Louise Elementary School fifth grader Marciano Ellis-Fernandez.
He has attended Lake Louise since kindergarten and is proud of the accomplishments he’s made throughout his elementary years. “I was the winner of the Top Cat award this year because I really like to focus on my work and give it my best effort, even if I’m the last one finished with my test,” he said.
Marciano gives his all to every subject but enjoys math and science most. “Our class did an experiment to learn about the reflection of the sun and it was so cool,” he said. “There are a lot of things in math that I can do, but some things I’m not as good at, so I’m learning to try new challenges.”
When Marciano isn’t studying, he’s quite the athlete, “I like basketball, I like running and I like track.”
Though it isn’t a sport, Marciano made sure to include his love for the 1999 film, “The Matrix”, in his athletic repertoire. Marciano also has a black belt in Taekwondo and loves the film’s martial arts elements.
Marciano’s goal is to continue studying and achieve his dream job as a mechanic in the U.S. military. “They use a lot of math and a little science in that job and a lot of people in my family are in the military, so I’d like to serve too,” he said.