Kris Kauffman, President, Lakewood United announcement.
For more than 50 years Lakewood United has been a trusted non-profit organization focused on bringing citizens together to discuss issues affecting Lakewood and its surrounding area. The purpose of Lakewood United has always been to provide first-hand information to the residents of the City of Lakewood on matters affecting their lives, their welfare, their government, and their well-being as individuals and as a community.
Those who have called Lakewood their home for many years remember Lakewood United’s involvement in the birth of ”The City of Lakewood”, the focus on maintaining the quality of our lakes (13), streams and woods and many other issues affecting the lives of those who live here. As a nonpartisan group, Lakewood United provides opportunities for citizens to hear the differing views of candidates running for local, county, state and federal elected positions. Lakewood United’s objective is to identify topics of interest within our community and provide forums where all participants can safely gather to listen, learn, question and discuss. A yearly membership fee of $25.00 was asked, however; non-members were welcome to attend our events as guests. Community involvement has always been a priority.
STAY TUNED, FOLKS! Lakewood United is evaluating the focus of our long-standing group. Further updates about us will be published in The Suburban Times in the upcoming weeks. We would like to thank those who reached out from as far away as Florida to say how much value Lakewood United has added to our community over the years.
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Lakewood has grown!
Thank you Kris.
Thank you Kris!
Chris, I appreciate all you do for Lakewood.