Town of Steilacoom announcement.
The annual Christmas Treecycling Drop-Off will be held on January 8th, 2022, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 the Public Works (1030 Roe Street) utility yard. The annual event serves as a primary community recycling event and fund-raiser for Steilacoom Boy Scout Troop #71. A suggested minimum donation of $3.00 per tree will be collected in support of the Scouts.
We can only accept Christmas trees that have been cleaned of all decorations including lights, tinsel, garland, nailed-on bases, etc. Sorry, no flocked trees, wreaths or other vegetation accepted at this event.
Residents who subscribe to the curbside yardwaste recycling may cut up their cleaned trees and place them inside their yardwaste cart for pickup on their regularly scheduled day.
Recycling your tree through our annual event supports both our community conservation efforts and the Scouts from Steilacoom Troop #71. Thank You and Happy Holidays!
Cycling Trees… Can’t wait to see that!!