Take a half hour to enjoy Christmas fun with Gina Wilhelm and her puppets and her Mom.
Just our way of saying thanks for welcoming us into your home or your Zoom castle or letting us do show with you.
- Gina’s been a ventriloquist and puppeteer with theater groups from Seattle’s Thistle Theater to Gilbert & Sullivan,to performing with a three foot mythical bird for this season’s Tacoma Opera company. At age 10, she was celebrated as the youngest talk show host in the US. (Yes, she is available to do shows tailored for your organization.Thanks for asking.)
- But in the meantime, it’s Christmas! Gina will bring her puppet pals and Mom Dorothy will provide the patter so necessary forchange of costume. Of course Gina’s Christmas Puppet Party is free. That’s what Christmas is about.
- Please join us. Of course, bring the kids! Bring their lunch. And maybe a little artificial snow to sprinkle around.
December 14, 2021 11:00 PT See you next TuesdayYou are invited to a Zoom meeting. When: Dec 14, 2021 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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