Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department press release.
Starting today, you can find information on Pierce County breakthrough cases on our COVID-19 data page. Our data tells the same story we’ve seen at the state and national level. Vaccinated people in Pierce County are much less likely to be infected, hospitalized, or die from COVID-19.
Look for the breakthrough cases tab on our dashboard under the Cases heading. Learn more in this Your Reliable Source blog.
On Nov. 24, our 14-day case rate per 100,000 for Nov. 1-14 is 319.3. The 14-day case rate offers the most reliable look at COVID-19 disease burden on Pierce County.
Our hospitalization rate is currently 8.9 per 100,000.
Today, we confirmed 182 COVID-19 cases and 4 new deaths:
- A man in his 70s from Lake Tapps/Sumner Area.
- A woman in her 80s from East Pierce County.
- A man in his 40s from Puyallup.
- A woman in her 80s from Tacoma.
Our totals are 95,948 cases (PCR = 85,375 antigen = 10,573) and 923 deaths.
We won’t report data updates Thursday or Friday because of the Thanksgiving holiday. Monday’s report will include data for those days. You can view updated outbreak data today.
Find more information on:
- Case counts, hospitalizations, vaccination and other metrics.
- COVID-19 vaccines.
- Getting a COVID-19 test.
- Childcare and schools.