Clover Park School District announcement.
Clover Park School District is celebrating American Education Week by highlighting some of the great teachers providing students with the opportunities they need to learn and grow in the classroom. Today’s featured subject is science.
Susan Grewe, Tillicum Elementary School

Tillicum Elementary School fifth grade teacher Susan Grewe makes science a part of everything her students do in the classroom. They read and write about science. They do math problems related to science. Even their art and P.E. activities are a chance to learn about science.
“I really want my students to love and care about science as much as I do,” she said. “The more they’re exposed to it, the more they think about it and the more they’re questioning the world around them in a positive way.”
Susan emphasizes hands-on learning in her classroom. It allows students to wonder about and explore how the universe works. “It makes students really try to figure out how they can make a difference in the world,” she said. “When they are learning about ecosystems and the environment up close, it causes them to question what small steps they can take to make things better.”
Heather Matsuda, Lakes High School

Lakes High School anatomy and physiology teacher Heather Matsuda worked in health care for more than a decade before becoming a teacher. She brings the stories and experiences she gained during her previous career with her into the classroom every day.
“I want to show my students how what we are learning is tangible for them in the real world,” she said. “I share my experiences and try to relate concepts directly to what my students experience as well. It helps the lightbulb turn on for them.”
Heather doesn’t have all the answers to the questions her students ask but that makes the teaching and learning process more interesting for everyone. “If I don’t know something, I say ‘let’s find out,’” she said. “We will open our textbooks and fire up our search engines to find the answer together. It helps build curiosity.”