A Panto is a must for both adults and children and everyone gets to participate . . . CenterStage is located in Northeast Tacoma/Federal Way . . . overlooking Dumas Bay
Pantomime (or just “panto”) gets its roots from 15th and 16th-century traditions of Commedia dell Arte, an early form of Italian theatre. The same “formula” for those productions are the same for British pantomime:
- The main male role is often played by a woman.
- A “Panto Dame” is a man in drag. He wears elaborate dresses with exaggerated makeup. This can be a character like Cinderella’s wicked stepmother or even the ugly stepsisters or Aladdin’s mother.
- There is always a sidekick of some sort as well! In Aladdin, it is a family member or Genie. Cinderella has her father’s servant. The sidekick’s job is to encourage the audience to get involved by shouting or clapping.
- There is a comedic animal involved, as in the cow in Jack in the Beanstalk. The animal is usually two actors in one costume.
- Although the stories may be classics, the jokes are always contemporary so that they are understood by the modern audience. There are also plenty of innuendos that make the adults giggle.
- Finally, what makes the Panto is audience participation. The classic lines are “He’s behind you!” and “On no he’s not!” or “Oh yes he is!”
For more Panto information, please visit Point to Point Education.
Puss in Boots does what Pantos do best: takes a classic fairy tale – in this case, the story of a young hero and his oddly clever cat, who manages to get him both in and out of trouble as he seeks fortune and romance – and adds in the indelible stamp of the Panto genre. Pop songs you didn’t expect, dance with a refreshingly contemporary aesthetic, magical fairies to cheer and boo for, an outrageously flirty Dame, and routines that will have you laughing aloud whether you’re 5 or 95. Rejoin us for your favorite Holiday tradition, or start a new one with your family and friends at the Centerstage Panto this year!
CenterStage – November 27 – December 19, 2021
Never miss a Panto! CenterStage says, “Our popular Panto returns this holiday season! All the elements you know and love get remixed again for a clever take on the tale of Puss in Boots. Our hero envisions a life of love, adventure, and bravery. The problem is, he has very few skills and even less money in his pocket! But a fantastical mix-up leaves him with what might just be the recipe for success: a little luck, a little magic . . . and a very clever cat.”
Get your tickets for “Puss in Boots” here: https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?ticketing=ctrwa
Rocky Horror Picture Show please.