Submitted by Diane Formoso.
Caring for Kids has been working all year to provide clothing, backpacks, school supplies, emergency food, new books, hygiene products, Growing Up is Fun bags, air beds, blankets, pillows, laundry soap, dish soap, $5 McDonald’s gift cards and color books and crayons. Our clothing bank gives out new clothes with each order. A full order includes 3 shirts, 3 pairs of pants, a coat, shoes and underwear if needed. Our highest number of requests in one week was 36 orders. Putting the orders together for pick up is easy. It is the continued shopping we do to fill the orders.
At this time, we are gearing up for our Holiday Fair on December 11th at Thomas Middle School. Paperwork for 700 families has been sent out to the schools to select and fill out the information we need for each family. Shopping for the Fair is all year long, especially tough during Covid. We are looking for donations. Toys and monetary donations are needed. We also need volunteers on December 10th for set up at 3:30 P.M. and December 11th at 7:30 A.M. Transporting and loading the gifts from our storage area takes trucks, vans and people who love lifting boxes and bags. Please email me if you are interested in helping us at the storage area.
Along with the Holiday fair we are getting ready for our major fundraiser the Happy Hearts Dinner Auction on February 12th. All of our fundraisers had to be cancelled over the last years so we are excited we can finally raise the money we need to do the important work we do in the community. We would love to have sponsors and live auction donations. Tickets are $45 each and each table holds 10 people.
Caring for Kids continues to support Springbrook Connection, Arrowhead Kids First, Tillicum Community Center and the Nourish Food Bank at the Methodist Church. We will be distributing color books and crayons to them to hand out for the holidays.
If you would like to help donate please contact Diane at or 253-279-9777.