City of Lakewood press release.
LAKEWOOD, Wash. – The City of Lakewood will host a film contest in February: “Reel Life ‘96” will be a 96-hour scramble to write, shoot, and edit a short film. Participants of any age or expertise may join for a shot to win cash prizes, gift cards, and more.
No special gear or expertise is required: all you need is a phone and some friends to help.
“Storytelling is exciting. All you need is a little creativity. This contest is open to anyone and everyone. If you’ve ever had a dream to write, direct, act, or shoot a film, Reel Life ’96 is your chance to give it a try!”
–Jim Kopriva, Communications Manager
Registration opens on Monday, Nov. 15 and closes Wednesday, Jan. 5. Teams may be comprised of as many as 15 members. Up to 32 teams will participate, and participants may be of any age or level of experience. Three age brackets will be judged separately: 13 and under, 14-18, and 19 and over. The team registration fee is $50.
On Saturday, Feb. 5, teams must attend an orientation to hear the rules, enjoy free pizza, and learn production tips. At 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 10, teams will receive an assignment email and may begin to shoot their film. Films are due at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 14.
On Saturday, Mar. 19, films will be screened and winners crowed at a special event at City Hall.
Read about the contest on the City of Lakewood website, or call Jim Kopriva at (253) 255-3396 to express interest.
You are one step ahead of me, Lakewood.
I had a similar plan that I was going to call Lakewood Vision 2020… Give or take one pandemic. Looking forward to pitching in.