A press release from City of Lakewood.
DETOUR REVISION. Beginning Friday October 22, Nyanza Road will close for a short duration. During this timeframe, crews will tie the new roundabout at Gravelly and Nyanza to the existing roadway along Nyanza. The detour route will be along Gravelly Lake Drive as shown above. Drivers are advised that the intersection of Gravelly and Veterans, which has been placed into emergency flash mode for the past three months, will return to full operation on Thursday October 21.
Immediately following the tie-in of the Nyanza leg, the detour will revert back to the current route and crews will close the section of Gravelly Lake Drive between Veterans Drive and Washington Boulevard (the intersection at Washington/Gravelly will remain open). Immediately following this closure, the contractor will remove the Gravelly/Veterans signal and roadway within that stretch in preparation for the construction of the roundabout there.
Paving of the new road will commence on Monday October 19 beginning at Pacific Highway toward Nyanza. It is anticipated that paving will take four days, and delays are expected each day for those living within the corridor. Even though the roadway will be paved, we cannot open the roundabout until the Nyanza detour bypass is closed.
Marcy Schafer says
Once Veteran’s Drive and Gravelly Lake Drive are closed for the new roundabout where will traffic be diverted? I have grave concerns about traffic flowing onto the Langlow/Walnut/Pine Roads to Interlaaken, as these roads are exceptionally narrow on the curves and the new entrance from Gravelly Lake Drive to Langlow is too narrow for two cars to exit and enter. The newly added speed bumps do nothing to slow drivers down. Last year, when this was a temporary detour we had folks driving in excess of 40 miles an hour around corners that are marked 15. It will be a safety hazard and an accident waiting to happen. I, personally witnessed many near misses and frustrated drivers honking in warning. There aren’t center lines on these roads to caution folks to stay on their side of the road. In addition, there are neighbors who park their car on the side of the road, which causes others to swerve onto the other side of the road. I would appreciate hearing about how these issues will be mitigated if, in fact, this is the plan.
Susanne Bacon says
The dates in the text are obviously a bit topsy-turvy and include a time-travel into the past. (Just kidding, of course.) But the real dates as I understand are:
Closing on Oct 22.
Everything else is a muddle that could mean that
A) it’s already underway with re-opening immediately after removing last stuff on Oct 22, or
B) that the full re-opening won’t happen until Oct 28 (not 21).
Which is right? My guess is B …
Tom Riggs says
Who exactly authorized the roundabout at Gravelly Lake and Veterans Drive? It is totally unnecessary, a waste of money, and regardless of the extensive money spent to “prove” these roundabouts (the city prefers to call them traffic calming devices, do nothing to move traffic smoother or more safely. What a tremendous money. I believe someone(s) must have received a tremendous kickback for the travesty committed already on Gravelly Lake, Veterans Drive, and now the south end of Gravelly Lake and Nyanza. It sure as heck wasn’t done to make things safer or move traffic better. Follow the money. Wish I had a trained investigator and lawyer to go after the people getting rich off of us.