Nothing says expert in your field like someone mentioning you in an article for a local publication. When this happens, you should be prepared to share the news and spread the word. It’s not blowing your own horn; it’s just getting the word out that others think you’re doing a good job, or have an eye that can see into the future. You should also have a new page built on your website called “Media Page” where you can share good ideas, AND the links to published articles mentioning you and what you’ve accomplished. With this page in existence, you can post about it on your Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or other similar group marketing media. In addition you can use that page to recommend other businesses that might be able to help your customers. You not only can post on your page, but various “group pages” that welcome news and information that help their own members. It’s like free marketing. By sharing your article and perhaps even adding a little more information on your own media page, you connect with others who just might need your services. – Here is an example from a client: – gpavaluation.net/Media.html
No one asking you to comment? Don’t worry about that. Most local productions are pleased to print various viewpoints on current situations for business as well your community. Share your thoughts for improving almost any situation. You may find an eager audience just waiting for your ideas.