An announcement from Tacoma Community College.

Up to ten people will be allowed to meet in The Gallery (Building 4) at Tacoma Community College starting with the group’s Oct. 6 meeting. People who would rather participate virtually can join the book club via Zoom.
You don’t need to pre-register if you’d like to participate in person; spaces are filled on a first-come, first served basis. However, if you’re not a TCC student or employee, please check in with Campus Public Safety in Building 14 before entering The Gallery. Visitor parking is available in Lot G.
Art History Book Club meets from noon – 1 p.m. on the first Wednesday of every month. Gallery Coordinator Dr. Jennifer Olson facilitates the meetings, introducing the artists and leading the discussion. The TCC Library will have the month’s Book Club selection on reserve, and free copies of some books can also be found online.
October’s book, “A Little Tour of France” by Henry James, is available free online through Project Gutenberg.
The Book Club’s 2021-22 reading and discussion schedule is attached.