A press release from Town of Steilacoom.
The Town of Steilacoom alerts the public of some upcoming work that may have some minor impacts to the ferry lanes.
On Friday, October 1, the contractor will be paving along curb lines recently installed in three primary areas.
- The area that will see the greatest impacts to the ferry lanes will be the area along Lane #1 at Lafayette St., where the new curbs were recently installed. Pavement patching will be performed up to the curbs in that area. This area will be paved first thing in the morning to avoid impacts to Lane #1 during busier staging times later in the day.
- Pavement patching will also occur adjacent to the Berry Dock Ice Cream shop (East side of Union Ave. at Rainier St.), continuing North down Union Ave. toward Lafayette St. (East side of roadway) where curbs and sidewalks were recently installed. This may impact northbound travel on Union Avenue near Lafayette St. & Rainier St.
- The third area to be pavement patched is the area along Union Ave. South of Martin St. (between Martin St. and Champion St.) along the west side of the roadway. This may impact traffic on southbound Union Avenue south of Martin St.
Other minor pavement patching will occur in other areas (such as Steilacoom St. behind the new guardrail), but this other pavement patching work should not significantly impact travel. Flaggers will be present to guide traffic along/within affected areas. Pavement patching should be complete by mid-afternoon.