Submitted by John Arbeeny.
Below labeled #1 through #14 are the most common deceptive statements you will hear from Critical Race Theory (CRT) supporters to any challenge of their orthodoxy. You’ll hear their deceptions time and again as part of their narrative. They seek to deny, distort, distract, detract and disavow the very nature of CRT because they know that CRT, seen in the light of day, would be rejected by most thinking people. The “counter responses” to these deceptions are also provided. You have a chance to vote for Clover Park School Board members in this upcoming election. Choose David Anderson and Jeff Brown who support informed debate of the issues on the Board instead of the Board incumbents who only parrot leftist deceptive talking points.
- “It’s not CRT”: Deny, deny, deny! Repeated constantly this can be effective in detaching equity, diversity, inclusion from the “mother ship” of CRT. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Reich Minister of Propaganda from 1933 to 1945. NEA calls it CRT. WEA calls it CRT. If it looks like a duck, acts like a duck, quacks like a duck, it’s a duck! CRT disassembled into its component parts is still CRT: it still has the same political “DNA”.
- “It’s just teaching about history”: Go ahead and teach history! However CRT is actually about blaming history on one racial group and creating groups of victims based upon race. It sets up victimizer and victim status on the basis of race on people who weren’t even alive when that history occurred. CRT divides; it does not unify.
- “CRT isn’t taught in the classroom. It’s only taught in college”: However CRT is being taught to educators and will affect how they teach, relate, and treat students based upon the color of their skin. This training is mandated by state government and OSPI and represents a form of institutionalized racism. Students aren’t dumb: they will be “taught” by how they’re treated by indoctrinated teachers and staff based upon their race.
- “Teachers are being taught to be more aware of different cultures”: Such “awareness” in CRT is based upon race as though all people of a certain skin color have the same culture. So a black student from Jamaica, Haiti, South Africa, Chicago south side and Bellevue WA all show up in your class: whose culture are you aware of? What about every other unique individual in that class? And just how would you teach in a culturally sensitive way to a class full of “diversity”? An impossibility! The assumption that skin color has everything to do with an individual’s culture is racist. This is a “system” designed to fail.
- “Those who oppose CRT are part of a conspiracy”: Opposition to CRT is so grass-roots and wide spread nationally that there is no need for a conspiracy. Indeed the real conspiracy to bring CRT into schools is one involving powerful teachers unions, school boards, administrators, teachers and those lucky enough to be hired as “director of equity community engagement” with 6 figure incomes. Racism has become for them a new career choice. No wonder they’re so supportive: follow the money.
- “Those who oppose CRT are members of racist fascist right wing groups”: A personal charge made to impugn without any evidence to support it. This can include “6 January movement”, KKK, Qnon, Proud Boys or any other radical or racist group. Indeed you might even be a member of the Republican Party….gasp! Libeling a person by such labeling when you can’t defeat their argument gives some idea of how weak their argument actually is! If you can’t kill the message, kill the messenger!
- “Equity just gives those who need extra help”: CRT ties equity to racial group membership rather than individual need regardless of skin color. The operative word to get around that racial component is the oft heard expression “marginalized community”. Translation: certain minority racial groups. Yet Asians often don’t seem to fit the narrative since they are too successful. Maybe it has something to do with Asian culture, familial and educational values rather than the color of their skin. If they can do it, why not others regardless of skin color?
- “Student racial diversity requires a similar teacher racial diversity”: There is no correlation between the skin color of a teacher and their ability to effectively teach. There are too many other variables to consider. Teachers with the same skin color as their students certainly may serve as a role model and that has value. However, to claim that only black teachers can best teach black students because of “cultural sensitivity” is inherently racist and ultimately leads to segregated “separate but equal” (though never equal) classes. Back to the future: the Deep South rises again.
- “Systemic and institutional racism exists in the education system”: Give examples or go home! What is completely ignored are the social, cultural and economic factors that create disparities that have nothing to do with alleged systemic and institutional racism: generational welfare families, 70+% children born out of wedlock, absent fathers, drug culture, criminality, gangs, etc. CRT doesn’t fix any of these. Additionally, why would you trust those already in power to fix what arguably they were responsible for creating or maintaining in the past?
- “There are over 80 (or some other number) community members on the equity stakeholders group”: In CPSD the alleged number is 83. To begin with, nearly 55% were District employees….a captive audience: what are they going to say “NO”? Of the other 45% community members, 21% were those in academia and government with vested interests in CRT. Students and alumni were 14% and parents, perhaps the most invested in their children’s education, a measly 8%. That 55% District employee number grew to 77% in the second equity meeting while most of the erstwhile 21% “community members” apparently dropped out. Maybe it wasn’t worth any more of their time.
- “It’s going to take some time to improve academic achievement:” This response was used by Ron Banner at the recent Lakewood United meeting when asked how “equity policy” was going to advance academic achievement. The problem is there are no instances of CRT or equity policy improving academic achievement or any time line for its accomplishment. Without any definable metrics to link CRT/equity as causative change agents or time line for accomplishment, accountability by the Board becomes impossible. Maybe that was the intent all along.
- “Reach back years and years ago for something that has nothing to do with the subject at hand”: Just like CRT, go dredge up something from decades (centuries) ago to deflect discussion from the subject at hand today. If you can make 2001 or 2005 the issue perhaps you won’t have to discuss the issues of 2021. Why not go back to 1619? Oh! Leftist already did that but what does that have to do with today? You can’t change 1619, 2001 or 2005 but you can change 2021. Dwelling on the past holds your future hostage.
- “I’m sooooo offended (disgusted, alarmed, upset, angry, outraged, etc.)!” When reason leaves you all you’re left with is emotions. Such responses are the result of CRT supporters’ emotional “fragility” (as opposed to alleged “white fragility”) in reaction to perceived micro-aggressions and triggers. In fact this emotional “fragility” is actually an attempt to cut off any reasoned debate and shut you up. This is the predictable reaction to any challenge to their almost religious-like fervor for CRT.
- “When all else fails use the “R” word”: For people sooooo sensitive to “micro-aggressions” and cultural awareness they seem to have no compunction at all about dropping an “R-bomb” macro-aggression on anyone they disagree with. It just goes to show how little they practice what they preach and is an indication of what to expect when they gain control of CRT in our schools. Assimilate or else! Resistance is futile. If not…………you’re a Racist!
Say John, was Dr. Marty Schafer (Leadership that Listens) there? BTW, what is he a doctor of? How about Alyssa ANDERSON Pearson?
To my knowledge neither Marty Schafer or Alyssa Pearson attended the Lakewood United meeting to address the state of Clover Park School District which should raise some eyebrows. After all, they are our elected representatives on the Clover Park School Board, not Ron Banner who is an employee. It is they who should stand accountable before the public for the state of the District. Certainly the Superintendent could be there to back them up but accountability to the public that elected them is their prime responsibility. The fact that Lakewood United invited Ron Banner and not the Board members to address this topic says volumes about who is running the show. Schafer has a BS in Urban Planning and Doctorate in “ministry leadership”. Pearson had a MBA.
John Arbeeny excellent article that cuts right to the chase of the CRT circus of disguise & falsehoods!
Dr. Marty Schafer, is currently serving his seventh term (Ouch time to bring in new leadership, this one has worn out his seat). He has a doctorate in ministry leadership from “Golden Gate Theological Seminary” (well that explains the CRT aka CA Liberal theory). Schafer volunteers in the schools, mentors student athletes, works with churches in the community and is an Instructional Consultant and advocate for public education.
Alyssa Anderson Pearson hopes (?) to build stronger community partnerships and increase district transparency.
That being said why weren’t both there at the Lakewood United meeting to address the state of Clover Park School District ????
Mona Peterson you just pulled the cards #1, 6, 12 (Hitler chant), 13 & 14 with royal Socialist Colors, WOW!
Fred Block your comment doesn’t make sense, I think you meant to say “approve of the candidacy of David Anderson and Jeff Brown.”
They rebranded “critical race theory” (in praxis) to be culturally responsive teaching. In true fashion, moving goal posts.
In response to number 7.
“ Nigerian accounts for less than 1 percent of the black population in the United States, yet, they make up nearly 25 percent of all Black students at Harvard Business School.”
It starts at home.
Also, I am going to need them to stop conflating “culture” and “race”.
Were they racist or racist by proxy prior to drafting an equity policy?
More or less racist than they are now by implying that “black and brown” children are somehow less capable then “white” kids?
You hit the nail on the head. Assuming anything based upon “race” alone, the color of one’s skin, is by definition racism. It’s sooooo much easier to just dump individuals into pre-set stereotypical groups based upon some simple characteristic (race, ethnicity, religion, gender, etc.) than actually deal with them as individuals. This is often the government “solution” to problem solving: let the exception rule instead of ruling by exception. Most notably the covid pandemic: some people are especially susceptible to infection so “quarantine” everybody instead of focusing on those who actually need protection. Indeed in some states, like New York, they actually sent active covid patients into nursing homes where the disease raged like wild fire among the most vulnerable. I lost two Cousins to just such a policy.
Deception #6 and #13…………see how it works? Mein Kampf? You actually read it? In German? How so?
This comment reinforces that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. I can tell you have no real understanding of the work you cited.
This would be closer to the opposite of Mein Kampf.
If learning our history makes us uncomfortable, censoring that history is not the remedy. Social issues cannot be corrected until we face those issues. I strongly oppose any attempt by school board candidates or anyone else to dictate which portions of our history are to be omitted from our children’s education. History is after all the basis on which we render our judgement. Please join me in opposing the candidacy of David Anderson and Jeff Brown.
Deception #2…..see how it works? Yes teach history, all history, but don’t lay the responsibility for past failure or success on racial groups today, the individuals of which weren’t even born when that history was made. Please give examples of when either David Anderson or Jeff Brown have suggested that history be “modified” to fit a political agenda. I certainly can give numerous examples of that occurring, such as “cancel culture” “1619” etc. from leftist organizations to support their narratives.
Please refer me to any conversation or document that shows David or Jeff wanting to censor or omit any of our history.
I keep seeing accusations like this being made against them (mainly from school employees who have a bias against them because they don’t want David and Jeff voting on their contract. Yes, I have that in writing from the CPEA). I’ve yet to have one person show me proof of said accusations. By all means, show us what you’ve got on this public forum.
If it was about censoring history, I would agree.
CRT, DEI, and the like have not-a-damn thing to do with the teaching of unpleasant history.
The implementation has more to do with how to practice what is called “restorative justice.” In their opinion, creating an equal opportunity is not enough; we must also ensure equal outcome. Unfortunately, Kendi describes the plan effectively. “The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.”
Preceding Fred Block’s cogent appeal, the blame and bias game couldn’t be more evident or troublesome for CPSD and Lakewood public. If the CRT flap is new to you or a refresher is due, I would respectfully suggest hitting “Wikipedia” to polish your insights. And when you reach Gloria Ladson-Billings, check her out. By that point, you may realize that raking community through the coals of strident debate related solves nothing; and meddling with curriculum, or premising school board candidacy on agenda, is a righteous path to the very suppression CRT seeks to comprehend.
No Bob……….this is not new to me. It surfaced some 18 years ago when at a joint meeting between CPSD Board, Superintendent and Lakewood City Council members, which I attended, then Superintendent Dr. Doris Walker stated that the primary purpose of the District was to foster “social justice”. My insights, as evidenced by the 14 deceptions used by CRT supporters, need no polishing although your vision needs a different lens to focus on the issue at hand: it is CRT that is divisive and suppressive. I’m sure I could add your “deception”…….”raking community through the coals of strident debate related solves nothing; and meddling with curriculum, or premising school board candidacy on agenda, is a righteous path to the very suppression CRT seeks to comprehend.” as deception #15. I guess you feel that if we just stopped talking about CRT it would go away and let everyone rest easy. That’s not the basis for debating the issues. Indeed, “social justice” and its CRT cousins should have been debated for the last 18 years. Too bad the Board and public were lulled to sleep by that very lack of debate.
John does seem to have some interest in this subject.
As regards the Lakewood United (LU) program with Superintendent Ron Banner last Thursday (9/23) at Burs and ZOOM, LU has scheduled (not yet confirmed) the CPSD Board position candidates to appear at our next LU meeting – in a debate format as we have done with issues of Lakewood community interest for over 50 years. The LU Board wanted to hear a CPSD status report from Dr. Banner given the unsettled times and the many issues he gets to address. At that meeting there was one question (by an old Lakewood Cares friend of Johns’) on “CRT” that was asked and responded to by Ron.
LU will have our standard meeting notice to some 250 folks by email and our notice in the Sub-Times as usual. LU is a non-profit, non-partisan group that endeavours to get information of interest to the Lakewood community with both/all sides able to be presented. John, as does our LU Board, understands that one does not have the appointed Executive of a School Board involved in a debate with candidates for the Policy making Board that he reports to.
As always, interesting talking points; and, as a 50 year plus citizen of Lakewood whose late wife was a ’57 CP graduate I do like to see efforts for UNITY in our community (as Claudia used to say)!
Kris Kauffman,
Lakewood United
Lakewood United has long provided a venue for the airing of controversial issues for the public’s benefit. I have been welcomed there on numerous occasions to discuss marijuana legalization in Lakewood, anti-gambling initiative, and sexually oriented businesses. Thanks Kris for what you do and I expect that the upcoming debate between Clover Park School District Board candidates will be equally informative.
In order for community members, especially parents of students and candidates for CPSD School Board Director, to evaluate specific practices which the District will implement based on the Equity Policy passed 4-1 at the September 13 School Board meeting, curriculum for all grades must be transparent. Candidates David Anderson and Jeff Brown are pursuing the matter, and their objective is to make the information available to concerned parties. Parents must be vigilant in staying on top of the instruction to which their children are being exposed. Education, not indoctrination, is the purpose.
The last sentence of my response is ambiguous. I meant that education, not indoctrination, should be the purpose of our tax-funded public school systems.
100% Sandra. Unfortunately, it does very little to be alert if the information isn’t there. CPSD is very successful at concealing and hiding things under our noses.
Did anyone notice they took down the part of the site that had updates regarding the ransomware? Did we receive any new information? No. There should have been something sent to all families past and present to notify us what the results of whatever they concluded. Even if only “be assured your information was/is safe”
As a reminder for the many folks interested in this school board election, TONIGHT, at 6.p.m. is the debate (virtual) for CPSD candidates sponsored by the Tacoma-Pierce County League of Women Voters and co-sponsors. Go to the LWV website elections tab to register for access.
I find it interesting you would choose to use a quote from a notorious Nazi (racist) to help condemn CRT. That quote is more appropriately applied to our former President. That being said since we are quoting Nazi’s here is another Nazi quote to consider:
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” Herman Goering
That is exactly what you are trying to do, tell people they are being attacked by CRT. You are getting everyone all riled up about something very few have even bothered to investigate. Our country’s history is replete with racism and I for one, was never taught our true history when I was in school. Certainly not when I lived in Virginia in the 50’s where I learned about the Civil War and how it was a battle for States Rights (it wasn’t ) and how great the Confederate Generals were (they weren’t). Oh, I almost forgot that segregation thing-separate bathrooms and water fountains, separate but equal education systems.
We have to understand and critically look at our past. Only then can we learn from it and move forward. Institutional racism has existed in the past and still exists today. You are trying to move us backwards.
I fully support Dr. Banner and our currently elected board members. They really are trying to do the best for all of our children.
“Trying” counts for nothing unless there are results. A drowning man “tries” to save himself, exerting far more energy than a swimmer with the end result of a drowning death. With all this “trying” how do you account for the District’s miserable placement near the bottom third (35%) of Washington schools academically? How about grade level scores for ELA as low as 52%, math and science below 18%, attendance about 60% and graduation rates in the mid 80% range? Who has accountability for that? Continue to support Dr. Banner and our currently elected board members and you’ll get more of the same. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting results to change is the definition of insanity.
Since we are quoting Nazi’s
“If the older generation can not get accustomed to us, we shall take their children away from them and rear them as needful to the Fatherland.”
Adolf Hitler, June 1933
So yes, I will fight like hell for my children to not hate other kids for something they did or experienced. I will not let the government have him.
Did not do or experience*
I ask Mr. Arbeeny how he collected the 14 statements and how he determined they were deceptive? He presented no context or claim for determining if the reply was deceptive. This is necessary otherwise he maintains that all statements against CRT are true therefore “It’s not CRT” is deceptive. In #9 John asks for examples of racism in education. I grew up in a Jim Crow state with separate but equal education systems. Half way between my home and the College I attended was Langston University, a state own-operated institution of higher learning, It was located in a wide spot in the road that took almost a minute to drive through that was 20 minutes away from a small village. The University had asphalt streets with no curb or gutter and no side walks. It had bus service each way twice a day.
In my sophomore year in college two brothers, students at Langston were allowed to attend the organic chemistry classes as Langston didn’t offer that ‘high’ a course. Some equal!
My over all opinion of Mr. Arbeeny’s letter is that it is full of straw tigers and un- substantiated claims against them. My question for Mr. Arbeeny is, “why are you so afraid of having the truth of racism taught to our youth ?” and having teachers be culturally sensitive to students not from a white upper class environment?
In case you haven’t been keeping up with these threads over the last 5+ months, I can reference every single one of the #1 to #15 deceptions found in responses to articles dealing with CRT on just the Suburban Times. These deceptions have been used time and again, even during this particular thread, as well during Board meeting public comments by both the public and Board members. Indeed, you have fallen for #2, #9 and #12 with your discussion of past racism and comment “…….“why are you so afraid of having the truth of racism taught to our youth ?” It’s not just about just teaching history is it. No one denies that there has been and currently is racism but you can’t blame a race of people or people individually today for history during which they did not live.
John, Individuals and races are not being criticized for things they didn’t do, but for continuing to mal-treat people because of race, and also based on gender, religion etc. My major objection was to your labelling the statements as deceptive per se without showing why.
Mr. Arbeeny,
I will go back to what I said when I first saw your posts on this subject. At that time the only students who were using CRT were in college to be lawyers. I asked you on several occasions to show anywhere that this was taught to younger students. You did not provide any proof of this. Now however it is my understanding that many others down to the grade school level want to know what it is about. Thank you for bringing this up so that the interest of these younger students is piqued. Many now want to know what it is all about.
I will also say again that I believe you to be a racist. At least it is very obvious to me that you are. I see no references to what you say in this article. You state that you have this seen over and over again. I believe it is just your biased opinion. If you have any proof that this is being taught then please provide it.
The republicon party has moved on from this and I would suggest that you do the same. They are rudderless and heading for ruination of the party. They don’t seem to be able to tell the truth and the country is harmed by this. All that they have are complaints. Right now it is about the January insurrection, the debt ceiling, and restricting the vote. They deny the insurrection, lie about there concerns for the debt ceiling, and say restricting the vote is about fraud. They are trying to hide their involvement in the insurrection, they don’t care about the debt, and everyone knows that they have yet to prove that there was sufficient fraud to sway the last elections. They have no ideas for the betterment of the country. Look at Moscow Mitch saying that they are committed to not raising the debt ceiling. He hopes to blame it on the democrats but I think most people can see the truth. All they have are lies, such as the one you harp on. That is that CRT is being taught to those in junior high and perhaps earlier grades. That is a lie.
There is nothing that you can do to change the course of this country. It will soon be a minority white country. You are upset that this is happening but that outcome will not change by your actions. The white man has been given much in the way of privilege and that is now threatened. History shows that this country was built by those of color as forced labor. Just because you don’t want to acknowledge this doesn’t make it incorrect or untrue.
Again, do you have any proof of what you state in your letter? I think it time that you put up or shut up. I will wait to see if you do or if you are just listening to those who lead you by the nose.
I urge you to look up “critical theory in praxis” then come acting like you know a thing or two. It really is dishonest to be going around floating the naive fantasy that it’s only taught in law school. The tenants are in the ideas of “restorative justice”, “restorative education”, and giving “educators of color” priority in retention and hiring. I think you really need to go into really delving into the orthodoxy that is “EDI”. Unless of course you worship it like these lefties and neo-cons do.
Good Lord James! I think you’ve hit just about ever deceptions #1 – #14 in a single response to my article. You should get some kind of prize for that! But we know what you think; it’s apparent from every response you’ve ever made. As for my being a “racist” (#14), what evidence do you have to support your claim. Be specific or go home! By the way my wife just happens to be Asian……and boys 1/2 Asian……and I have a group of family and friends that span the gamut of races, ethnicities, religion, gender and interests. How about you?