Submitted by Alan Billingsley.

A Community Work day (Saturday, Oct. 2, 9 am-1 pm) will take place at the Lakewood South Sound Wildlife are (also know as the old Game Farm on Phillips Road).
The Fall Cleanup and install the next two benches on the trail system. Come join Rotary, Kiwanis and Lions clubs, Pierce College Students and other community groups as we work together to improve Lakewood’s Wildlife area.
Located on Phillips Road just across from Hudtloff Middle school, this public space has been adopted by Clover Park Rotary as a signature local project to improve public accessibility and to return it to the educational area it was 50 years ago.
Workers will be dispersed over the 100 acre site to maintain social distancing and working in family groups.
Jobs will include:
- Picking up garbage along Phillips Road.
- Install permanent benches along the trail.
- Weed Indigenous garden area and rock wall.
- Pull Scotch broom in education area.
- Pull Scotch broom around Gary Oak plantings.
- Cut down black berries at North end of fence.
- Weed Wack under fence line and parking lot
- Cleaning the BYRD Family Cemetery located on this historic property.
Come join your community and enjoy some safe outside time helping make our community a better place. We work Rain or Shine so dress accordingly.
For more information contact Alan Billingsley project coordinator.
Reading this article and listing the “South Tacoma State Game Farm” as the job site, is a good place and a good use. My Father, Ross Harper” was the superintendent of the farm, raising Chinese Ring Neck Pheasant’s for the Sportsmen and Ladies of Washington State from 1947 to 1958. The Game Farm eventually closed along with the Fish Hatchery as did other farms and hatcheries through out the State. I drove through the farm recently and my old Basketball Hoop is still attached to the back of the large shed located behind the house, sitting on the elevated hill to the right, as you drive in. In many ways those were the best years of my life . I’m 80 now and can still remember.