Submitted by Ron Frederick, Mayor, City of DuPont.

When the pandemic hit in 2020, many of our small business establishments had to close temporarily due to all the uncertainty about the virus. It’s hard to stay afloat under those circumstances, especially when rent is due, and payroll must be met. The City of DuPont wanted to help.
The first thing I did was to meet with the various building owners and lease holders to see if they could assist by re-structuring leases or deferring payments. Most were very helpful and were able to provide some relief. The City of DuPont received federal funds and opened a grant program for small businesses in our city. Twenty-Six (26) businesses applied, and we provided up to $7,000 for each business. This is not enough to keep them open but did buy some time. With approval from the City Council, the City provided a total of $158,000 in assistance to small businesses. I personally delivered these checks as soon as they were available.
We couldn’t save every business but most survived. We are now in recovery and business is once again thriving in DuPont. Our creative entrepreneurs have found new ways to operate in addition to the old model. Our wonderful DuPont residents have also helped by ordering take-out meals and using local services to the greatest extent possible. Business will be better than ever as we move forward in DuPont.
Thank you, mayor, and members of the city council who worked to help the businesses in DuPont during these trying times. Your wisdom and efforts are appreciated.