A press release from Metro Parks Tacoma.

Experience a magical evening at Fort Nisqually, where candles and campfires illuminate the people and events of 1855. Candlelight Tourtakes place on Friday and Saturday, October 1 and 2, from 6 – 9 p.m.
Advance tickets are required and available at fortnisqually.org
Visitors will encounter Hudson’s Bay Company employees and their families, American settlers, and a diverse labor force, at work and play. Historical interpreters interact with each other, discussing events of their 19th century lives, but will be unaware of their 21st century visitors.
Walking tours are approximately an hour in length and begin every 15 minutes. Visitors park at Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium and are transported to the outdoor event via a short bus ride.
Candlelight Tour is a unique experience that allows visitors to step back in time and “indulge in history from the perspective of those who lived it,” according to a visitor in 2019, the last time the event was held.
“The health and safety of our visitors, volunteers and staff is very important to us,” Museum Supervisor, Jim Lauderdale said. The museum joins area performance groups in requiring vaccinations or negative COVID-19 testing of all staff and volunteers to ensure a safe and successful return of the arts to the Puget Sound area. All visitors and volunteers who are not performing will be required to wear masks throughout the event.
For questions about accessibility requirements or for more information contact Fort Nisqually at (253) 404-3970.