Feeder Websites – Driving More Traffic to Your Home Page.
I have long been a proponent of pathways. The more relevant websites and pathways that lead to your main website the more visitors you will have.
Feeder websites provide simple and effective ways to attract targeted traffic via online searches. They are independent websites with their own domain name. That domain name should contain words based on the content of the main website. Feeder websites are not just empty pages that direct visitors on to your site, they provide particular information and relevant content applicable to your main website.
Feeder sites provide backlinks as they raise the number of viewers to your main webpage and show off that website as the authority on information based on a particular subject.
Here are just three actual examples of feeder sites that have been continually successful – year in, year out:
We have an accounting client in Seattle. In 2020 our feeder site for this client had 1,721 visitors. Near the end of September in 2021 the number of visitors is 3,297 . . . so far.
We have a client that does business property appraisals in the state of Washington. In 2020 our feeder site for this client had 3,563 visitors. Near the end of September in 2021 the number of visitors is 5,908 . . . so far.
We have a client that offers sewer pipe repairs in Pierce County. In 2020 our feeder site for this client had 1,425 visitors. Near the end of September in 2021 the number of visitors is 3,148 . . . so far.
Not every visitor continues on to the main website, but the main website is mentioned as well as contact information. Most local websites I know could certainly gain by having a few more thousand visitors. If you are one of them, you should consider having a feeder website for your business or organization.