A press release from City of DuPont.

The City received nearly $6 million from the State for the construction of two water quality treatment plants that will filter out PFAS. This leads to the question, “if DuPont’s water is safe to drink, why do we need PFAS filters”. These filters will guarantee that our water is of the highest quality and who wouldn’t want that?
Currently, we meet all federal and state standards. While there are detections of PFAS, it’s below the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) health advisory limit. The filters (think giant Brita filters), which will be installed in 2022, will remove 99.9% of the PFAS. Now, that’s good news! Due to my lobbying efforts with our state representatives and senator, we were granted these funds. Many thanks to our Representatives Leavitt and Bronoske and Senator Nobles.
Our water is safe to drink and with these PFAS filters, we will continue to ensure a safe and reliable water supply for the future.
Let’s drink to that, water that is!