Submitted by William Hodge, Sr., University Place.
As a retiree with considerable experiences in working with various governmental and educational boards, I have watched with interest the current race for the University Place School Board Position Number 1 position, and offer the following for University Place voters’ consideration:
It is important to note that both candidates who opposed Mrs. Burke during the Primary stage of the race to replace her as a School Board member indirectly based their reason for doing so on her age (or “ageism”); neither cited as their reason for wanting to replace her was based on her incompetency in performing any of the multiple duties inherent in that position—and that is because Mrs. Burke has performed exceptionally-well throughout her tenure as a School Board Director, as evidenced by her support from past and present board members (with only one exception).
The obvious reason for Mrs. Burke’s opponents taking their ageist approach is they know that she possesses in abundance attributes that neither of them have: proven professional educational experiences and qualifications, which are coupled with practical knowledge of how educational policies, principles, and processes can come together to create an extremely successful educational environment. Additionally, Mrs. Burke has a long-proven innate ability to bring together disparate points of views and forge them into cohesive and functional educational operations!
Hopefully, perhaps one or both of Mrs. Burke’s competitors will eventually acquire some or all of Mrs. Burke’s capabilities that might one day match or exceed her competencies; but for now they both remain untested and unqualified to help the University Place School Board continue to maintain its status as an exceptional place to educate its students.
Therefore, I urge all University Place residents to visit and get to know Mrs. Burke by visiting her at And after having done so, I am confident your readers will agree that MRS. BURKE REMAINS THE BEST CANDIDATE to fill her Position Number 1 on the University Place School District!
Mr. Hodge, perhaps both candidates were suggesting that like with most things, refreshed perspective from an actual current UPSD parent better fit the needs of students in this district as opposed to someone with an adjacency to the students in which they serve. Or perhaps, both candidates were trying to tip toe around Ms. Burke’s headline making indiscretions while she was superintendent of a neighboring school district. And rather than sling mud in what should be a race based on qualifications for the future needs of UPSD students and their families, I have to assume that both candidates were politely trying to thank Ms. Burke for her service and ask voters to consider an individual closer to the day to day needs of UPSD families. I think you are reaching and rialing up the same base that voted for Ms. Burke in the primaries, the senior sector of UP that is ok with the status quo of the current board. But I’m here to tell you, UPSD students of TODAY need more. And rather than pander to those that are set in the ways of old UP, a leader that truly cared about UP and its junior citizens would know when it was time to pass the baton. There is no shame in leaving a legacy to be proud of. I just wish you, Ms. Burke and the voters that support her could see that UPSD students need a changing of the guard even if the guard is not ready to go, it’s time for many reasons, age not included. Thank you.
I would encourage moms and dads to attend just one school board meeting and decide for yourself where our district is going. An intelligent vote means that you know the issues and care. What is going on in the district today is a far cry from where we were 10 and even 20 years ago, and it’s not pretty.
Yes, attend a school board meeting, and if you have any experience conducting meetings, you will be appalled at how dysfunctional the meeting is.
That’s the point Marilyn, these kids and their families are not the same as 10 and 20 years ago and we need a school board that understands that and embraces it.
Dijana Steward Well stated!
Dijana Steward Well, you do not know whereof you speak. I agree wholeheartedly with Mr. Hodge. I support Mrs. Burke and will vote for her.
Ms. Markham which part of what I said am I mistaken on? Enlighten me please.
Are you praising the same Ethelda Burke who had to resign as Superintendent of Tukwila school district due to discrimination charges and has been sued for discrimination?? Just checking.
Yes, Kristi. Some in this conversation are doing just that. Trying to convince knowledgeable citizens to vote for someone with a very troubling past. Not only did Ethelda Burke have to leave the Tukwila school district in disgrace but the Stadium school district as well. Why the University Place school district would welcome someone with such a disparaging past is beyond me. I guess it’s because people, like some of those in this thread, have attempted to hide Ms. Burke’s very shadowy past.
University Place school district deserves much better. Someone who has a vested interest in the future educational needs of our children. Someone who is in touch with the current issues of the day and understands the important roles that parents play in their children’s lives.
I believe Ms. Holz is exactly what the University Place school board needs moving forward. Someone who not only wants to encourage educational excellence but is also someone who wants to inspire young minds to reach for the stars. Time for a change in the University Place school board? Yes indeed!
That’s why Whitney Holz has my vote.
I want to be clear about something, I wouldn’t vote for Whitney Holz if my life depended on it. As a black moderate with a child enrolled in UP schools I do not believe that Whitney and I share the same views on the early education around sex education and teaching historical truths. However the Ethelda Burke camp needs to shape up. I do not owe anyone my vote because of our common intersectionalities. So if I could vote in the upcoming election I think I would simply sit this one out.