An announcement from City of Lakewood.
On Tuesday, September 28, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. or soon thereafter, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board will hold a public hearing regarding a request for Fort Steilacoom Park to be renamed Dr. Claudia B. Thomas Park. Pursuant to Resolution No. 2016-18, the application has been transmitted to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for review and consideration. To view the full application click here.
Public Testimony will be accepted by mail, email or by live virtual comment. Send comments by mail or email to Nikki York, Office Assistant 6000 Main Street SW Lakewood, WA 98499 or
If you would like to provide live testimony during the virtual meeting, you will need to join the Zoom meeting as an attendee by calling by telephone Dial +1(253) 215- 8782 and enter meeting ID: 920 3804 6123 Passcode: 077102 or visiting
For those participating, the Chair will call on you during the Public Hearings portions of the agenda. When you are unmuted please provide your name and city of residence. Each speaker will be allowed (3) three minutes to speak during the Public Hearing.
If you have further questions regarding this public hearing please contact Nikki York at 253-983-7835. To view the full Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting agenda of September 28, 2021 click here.
Lived in Lakewood for 50+ years and for as long as I can remember this park has been Ft Steilacoom Park. Why is the City looking at changing the name? The name used to match the community college so maybe it should be Pierce Park. Or, maybe it should be Pierce Park since the County was nice enough to pass on stewardship to the City for this wonderful park, where so many of us recreate.
Honestly, don’t the City staffers and politicians have bigger things to focus on like why the reconstruction of Gravelly Lake DR, I just saw an article about, which has taken way too long and inconvenienced way too many citizens? I mean we did just have one of the driest summers ever so they can’t blame bad weather for the slow/limited progress. Sheer incompitance is the only reason this project is not completed before the wet fall weather.
Getting back to the renaming of the park I really question if it is solely being renamed out of political correct wokeness which has swept the USA. If so, then why name another land mark after someone who just had a school named after her. Maybe it should be Jose Palmas Park for the 1st Hispanic City Council member. It is Hispanic Herritage Month after all and maybe we need to have a positive figure for our growing Hispanic community. My children are grown and gone now but they are bi-racial hispanic. They were raised not to see race as a barrier but for those who need a local role model then I’m sure the City couldn’t make a better pick.
No!!!! Ft. Steilacoom is historic. Leave it that way.
I concur with Barbara Prough. Steilacoom Park has a history of it’s own-a place where former residents had the opportunity to have meaningful work on the farm across from Western State. Also there is the cemetery for the those that departed life while living at the facility. At one time there was a hospital on the grounds with 2 beautiful entrances. The building in the middle was collapsed and was to be removed. Allegedly one entryway was to remain. When the project was completed both entrances were gone. Although some part of one was used as a planter. It was heartbreaking for me to see the final results and I have never been able to return to that area of the part of the park. As it turns out I was not the only one disappointed. Some of the barns are still standing, parts of the orchards and one old tractor . I don’t feel that is much of a legacy. So if you are going to change the name of the at least try and honor the those who toiled and are buried there.
We need to keep it Fort Steilacoom Park, it’s been that forever, plus we already named a school after Claudia Thomas, I think enough is enough. When do we say ok, let’s keep the name the same with all of its history of it being Fort Steilacoom Park, Mr. Boyd,you have your school, leave our park alone.
Ft. Steilacoom is history! Ft. Steilacoom Park is part of that history. The name has meaning. Those who came here first named it and it should remain a permanent reminder of those who fought and died for our country. If the city wants to honor Claudia Thomas, find another way to do so. Leave our history ….. OUR history…meaning it belongs to EVERYONE…as it is.
I agree with you
Well said!
She has already been honored with having a school named after her. Let that be enough. Leave Ft Steilacoom be!! Stop this foolishness.
What’s wrong with Lakewood and the idea of erasing our history. Leave Ft Steilacoom park alone as someone mentioned there is a school named after this person that’s enough. Quit erasing our history. Why don’t you focus on other important issues like your homelessness. What did she do for that park anyway?
Unfortunately, I have to voice my “no” to this proposal.
I have the utmost respect for Mrs. Thomas. Her accomplishments and achievements are certainly great goals for all to strive for. She had a career in education. No, we must call it a passion for educating. That passion certainly passed on to her daughter, Lisa Boyd, whom my son had the privilege to have as a principal.
Her commitment to her adopted home of Lakewood simply cannot be questioned. She was one of the many that believed in Lakewood, so much so that she worked hard supporting incorporation. I was not a supporter of incorporation, but during our opposite view discussions, she was always gracious. Lakewood became a city, and her reward was being elected to the original City Council. Her leadership abilities helped her rise to the top, becoming Mayor of Lakewood, making her the first African American female mayor in the state of Washington.
The naming of the combined Mann-Woodbrook middle school, Dr. Claudia Thomas Middle School, was an appropriate recognition for a lifelong educator.
Ft. Steilacoom has its’ own history. Our area always has had a tie with the military. Ft. Steilacoom originally was an army installation to protect the residents of the Oregon Territory. This was important to the establishment of Washington as a State. Of course, later part of the property was utilized as Western State Hospital.
Certainly, if the city wishes to further recognize her accomplishments, I can think of several other suitable places/facilities:
• City Hall related
o Meeting rooms
o Council Chambers
o Garden or fountain
• The Pavilion at Ft. Steilacoom
• Wildaire Road, runs past the Lakewood Library (still Tenzler to me)
• 59th St from 100th street leading to City Hall, Dr. Claudia Thomas BLVD.
• If the City were to ever build a Community Center (call it a cultural center), I could think of no better name for a person who “was gifted with an ability to bring diverse groups together.”
As you can see, I am not against recognizing Dr. Claudia B. Thomas. I just feel that there are more appropriate and fitting possibilities, and not renaming a place that also holds so much history for Lakewood.
Fort Steilacoom and our history should stay the way it is, and start renaming things with historic names to keep our history alive.
I agree w the first person commenting on the construction incompetence that has ruined any form of flowing traffic in Lakewood. All they are doing is causing more bottlenecks and increasing the amount of time wasted trying to get anywhere, along with added frustration and anger. Playing follow the leader thru a roundabout behind someone who has clue where or what they are doing is not going to help anything. This will only increase traffic problems and stress.
Leave naming the park alone. Make signs where 100+ persons access it by foot daily in front of my house, to note that you are leaving the city and entering the county park! I am the only one whom ever does any maintenance at that access and because of covid-19 and my health, I haven’t kept it up this last year. It gets so much use, it needs a documentary sign, or gate. The path used to be glacier runoff, with a volcano, etc. not a “bike”, or “dog poop” trail. Preserve that history and put renaming Fort Steilacoom away.
Very well said how about a city building named in her honor to go with the school but leave ft Steilacoom park alone it’s our history!
Totally agree. Dr. Thomas did so much for our community. And Ft. Steilacoom is an historic place that should remain Ft. Steilacoom park.
Please leave Fort Steilacoom Park alone. I agree with the previous comments that Claudia Thomas was a great and influential leader in Lakewood and the Clover Park School District. That doesn’t mean we take away the Fort Steilacoom name in order to honor her. Naming the newest middle school is an honor that stands alone.
For crying out loud….does everything need to be changed?? I hate JBLM. It will always be Ft. Lewis and McChord AFB. I grew up in Tillicum, and when the park finally was given a name. It was Bona Park, after The Bona family that had a grocery store right next to the park. Then it was changed to another persons name, Someone I had never heard of. NOW, changing Ft. Steilacoom Park to something else, is a very poor idea. Give me a break, do some things that will benefit our community. WATCH, soon someone will want to change Lakewood to ??
I agree with you Evelyn. Leave the name Fort Steilacoom as it is due to its outstanding history. I suggest instead naming city hall for Claudia Thomas since she spent so many hours there having city council meetings.
I agree with Evelyn enough already Lakewood Quit changing our local and state history. This is absurd on Lakewood. Change your government office name but leave our Ft Steilacoom park alone!!!! Lakewood take care of other issues in your city
Warehouse City!
Please keep it Ft Steilacoom Park. Why? Because of history. With statue’s coming down, schools changing names, our TNT becoming “woke”, please give us some remaining history. No offense to Claudia, but we need to preserve some of our local history.
I hope that these various comments will be forwarded to Lakewood parks as not all can attend a zoom call. Or folks please email the person in the article with your input as we all need to stand together on this to keep the park as ft Steilacoom park. It’s just not Lakewood’s park because Steilacoom and university place use it as well.
Dr Claudia B. Thomas Park????
I am known for having an opinion on every subject. So here is my opinion related to changing the name of Fort Steilacoom Park.
Absolutely not.
Having expressed my thumbs down opinion early on gives those who are quick to conclude that because Claudia was Black and I am white, I must be a male chauvinist pig, racist, and white supremacist.
All of these accusatory descriptors, I am not. Okay, I will admit to one. I am white.
While wearing three different hats, I worked with Claudia Thomas. #1. I was a resident of Lakewood for 51 years, during which Claudia and I crossed paths. #2. I was a police officer in Lakewood for 15 years, during which the two of us crossed paths and worked together on solving problems in the city. #3. We also crossed paths related to Communities in Schools.
On top of that, I worked with Claudia’s son during my two years on The City of Lakewood’s Public Safety Committee.
The Thomas family represents success and achievement and, in particular, helping others achieve positive and worthwhile goals in life. I never met a Thomas family member I did not like.
Rather than hate, I loved Claudia Thomas and everything she stood for and achieved.
Whoever suggested renaming Fort Steilacoom Park after Claudia must have a good heart, and their idea is an excellent concept except for one issue that I am confident Claudia would have spotted.
Based on my time with Claudia Thomas, I find it hard to imagine her brilliant mind would allow her to vote for changing the park’s name and thereby simultaneously flush history down the toilet.
Well deserved recognition, and thanks should be the engine behind honoring Claudia.
I say yes to honoring Dr Claudia B. Thomas. However, I say no to changing the name of Fort Steilacoom Park.
Alternate ways to honor Dr Claudia B. Thomas:
1. Select another park that currently has a meaningless name of no historical value.
2. Name the recently renovated City of Lakewood’s public center near the old Lakewood Theater in the Colonial Center after Claudia.
3. Rename Lakewood City Hall The Dr Claudia B. Thomas Civic Center.
City Hall is where Claudia performed much of her magic for Lakewood citizens. City Hall is my favorite option and is superior to involving Claudia’s name with the trashing of historical Fort Steilacoom Park.
It is fitting that her name currently appears on one of our schools. She accomplished much in the field of education. That recognition should standpat.
It is also fitting that her name appear on Lakewood City Hall. During her multi-facetted life, she accomplished much for Lakewood citizens serving various rolls in local government.
Joseph Boyle – Former Lakewood Resident 51 Years
No No No
Maybe create a garden of honor in the park with trees planted that have a memorial plaque.
A portrait gallery with high quality oil on canvas should be enough to honor prominent residents and people that have had a positive impact. Lots of space for that in the public hallways and spaces of city hall.
Ft. Steilacoom is a most important landmark name. It does remind us of the native population which should NEVER be forgotten. It takes a lot of money to make changes to landmarks, streets, shopping malls, etc. As much as I love & admire Claudia, I think we have done much to honor her.
FT. STEILACOOM PARK’S NAME SHOULD STAY THE SAME. Thank you, Kristy J. Kernen, Lakewood resident for 61 years.
I hope people will not be offended if I bring up a topic only somewhat related to the original post. But I am hearing people share a lot of passion about history and Fort Steilacoom, so I am really hoping the following message is related. The four remaining buildings from the fort that gave the park its name are located across the street from the park, along the fort’s original parade grounds at the entry of Western State Hospital. Our museum association would love to see more Lakewood people involved in sharing this history. Here’s how you can get involved:
– You can sign up at our website to stay up to date on news about our museum complex:
– You can join as a member of the Historic Fort Steilacoom Association. For $15 or $20 you can support maintenance and interpretation of the oldest grouping of original buildings in the area and the vital history that many of you are speaking of. You can sign up at
Now back to the naming discussion. But I did want to share some thoughts about history and way for anyone to be more involved!
Now that is an absolutely a great idea.
Anyone else get a wiff of “New World Order” here? “You’ll have nothing, but you’ll be happy!” Nothing can include history I assume. Fort Steilacoom Park is a huge Historical Landmark in this area and needs to remain so. Several proposals given here allow for both to exist… Excellent!
This is notice that the Parks and Recreation Committee will take public input on a request from Dr. Thomas’ family to change the name of the park. The public is being invited to attend to express opinions either pro or con. It is anticipated that the committee will make a non-binding recommendation to the City Council as to whether action should be taken. The City Council did not initiate the request and has not discussed it.
A name change for Fort Steilacoom Park would be frivolous, and I dare say- arrogant; to benefit an agenda of a very small few. Lest we not forget its rich history and geographic stead as the entrance to the Town of Steilacoom.
With its credential as our State’s first incorporated municipality, Steilacoom surely deserves to hold strong its association with the beautiful, large beloved Park in the backyards of both Lakewood and Steilly.
We propose that the park’s name be changed to honor the indigenous past of this area, and to pay respect for an innocent indigenous chief who was hanged not far from Ft. Steilacoom Park — Chief Leschi.
Ft. Steilacoom was built as a defense against the native peoples. As such, it is a symbol of the genocide that was perpetrated on millions of native Americans over the centuries.
Is this the part of American history that we really want to be proudly displayed, as the name of a very large park?
Honor Chief Leschi’s memory — he was hanged for a supposed crime that not even the US Army would recognize, since it occurred in combat. He was exonerated in 2004:
“Leschi (pronounced LESH-eye) was hanged in 1858 for killing Col. A. Benton Moses of the territorial militia during the region’s Indian war of 1855.
The historical court, led by state Supreme Court Chief Justice Gerry Alexander, ruled that if Leschi did in fact kill Moses, they were lawful combatants in a time of war, so a murder charge was not justified.”
Keep the name Fort Steilacoom Park. Like others commented, Dr. Thomas already has a school named after her; that should be enough.
It seems that the “woke left” is trying to re-write and/or obliterate history in the name of political correctness. Yes, our country has some ugly and repulsive events in it (slavery, genocide). But they are still part of our history, no matter how ugly and repulsive. You can’t judge the people and events of yesterday by today’s standards. They have to be judged by the times in which they lived or took place. Changing names and toppling statues won’t change history. Taking down statues of our founding fathers and presidents because of some misdeed doesn’t change the fact that they were our founders and presidents. “Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.” Changing the name of Fort Steilacoom Park would be an affront to those who helped shape this area.
Renaming Steilacoom Park is a frivolous expense. Under resolution 2016-18 section 1 B renaming the park is being violated. What is the point of the city having a resolution they want to break. I strongly oppose this.