Submitted by Ron Frederick, Mayor, City of DuPont.

In response to the pandemic in 2020, I took action to keep the city solvent and moving forward. I initiated a spending and hiring freeze and authorized the use of reserve funds as needed.
Unlike many other cities, DuPont did not lay off employees but kept them on the job providing services to our citizens. Unlike many other cities, DuPont did not lay off police, firefighters, or any other employees in Public Safety.
In fact, we sought out and received a grant to hire two more police officers. Both officers have now graduated from the Police Academy and are on the job.
Welcome to DuPont Officers Cornwell (top photo) and LaBadie (bottom photo). Both officers graduated with honors. In 2020 I used my emergency spending authority to purchase body-worn cameras for the DuPont Police Department.
We were the first city in Pierce County to have these cameras. Both officers have their cameras and are ready to roll.
That’s why we live in DuPont!!!!
Thank you
Good work Mayor!