A news story from Clover Park Technical College.

The Advancement of Active Military and Veterans in NDT Recognition acknowledges individuals or organizations who encourage active military and veterans to enter and thrive in the field of NDT, either through creation and/or implementation of programs that provide educational or career advancement opportunities in NDT that may not otherwise be available to active military and veterans, or through leading by example of how active military and veterans can not only have a career in NDT but also contribute greatly to NDT, ASNT, and creating a safer world.
2021 winner Megan Davey is currently a tenure track NDT instructor at Clover Park Technical College (CPTC) where she teaches radiography, eddy current, and ultrasound. She also serves on the Pacific Northwest Section board of director as the educational chair and the David Hall Student Scholarship chair. During her time at CPTC, she has revamped the radiographic testing program to include digital X-ray and phased array ultrasonic testing, which will soon be included in the program. She is making connections across Washington State to ensure that employers know that when they hire CPTC graduates, they will receive the best-trained NDT personnel.

Davey served honorably in the US Air Force (USAF) for six years until a medical retirement. While stationed abroad at the Royal Air Force base in Mildenhall, United Kingdom, and at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico, she gained valuable experience in five NDT methods. She specialized on the F-22 Raptor program, where she became the lead trainer. Davey then took a civilian position at Fort Lewis as the responsible Level III for the Pacific region of the company which included Hawaii, Guam, and South America. Davey was a sought-after expert for her NDT knowledge in military and nonmilitary operations and this often required her to travel at a moment’s notice across the world.
During her career, Davey identified deficiencies within standard operating procedures and helped rewrite comprehensive compliance programs. She implemented policies that reflected the SNT-TC-1A, NAS 410, and AS9100 standards in order to maintain integrity within the company. While working full time, she also attained a master’s degree in healthcare administration. Davey worked for three years in healthcare where she led quality rapid improvement programs and created multiple scheduling programs for doctors and nurses at Kaiser Permanente. However, she soon discovered that her true passion was still NDT and decided to give back to the NDT community by teaching.
Republished from (Materials Evaluation, Vol. 79, No. 1). Copyright © July 2021 by The American Society for Nondestructive Testing Inc. Reprinted with permission. asnt.org