Submitted by Humane Society for Tacoma & Pierce County.

TACOMA, WA – On the morning of September 9, two litters of kittens ranging from 4 to 9 weeks old were found abandoned outside at the Humane Society for Tacoma & Pierce County.
Two kittens were found in a cardboard box at one of the shelter’s entrances. They were covered in feces and fleas.
Three other kittens and two adolescent cats were abandoned and found roaming around a makeshift tent at an entrance on the opposite side of the shelter.
The shelter staff was able to gather the kittens, but traps are set to catch the adolescent cats. The shelter is currently caring for the five kittens who are all dehydrated, underweight, and suffering from parasites.
“Abandoning an animal anywhere is unsafe,” says Nathan Van Ness, pet support coordinator at the Humane Society for Tacoma & Pierce County. “We want pet owners to know that they have options and we can help.”
The Humane Society for Tacoma & Pierce County offers a variety of resources for pet owners who are struggling to keep their pets. The shelter has a Community Clinic that offers affordable spay and neuter surgeries, a Pet Food Pantry that provides needed pet food, and free Pet Support Counseling to further help families keep their pets.
“We recognize that circumstances such as financial hardship, moving, or pet behavior issues can cause owners to feel like they have no choice,” explains Van Ness. “Our pet support team is here to provide resources and get you the help you need to keep your pet or rehome them safely.”
Pet owners in Pierce County and the City of Federal Way can contact the shelter for assistance with keeping their pet(s) or privately rehoming them at 253-284-5836. Additional information and resources can be found on the shelter’s website at:
For anyone interested in helping to care for these abandoned and sick kittens, please visit the shelter’s donation page at:
Sounds like someone found some feral cats/kittens and at least tried to do the right thing rather than leave them in the elements to probably die. No need to scold or embarrass someone because next time someone else may not even try to help them.