A press release from City of University Place.

On Tuesday, Sept. 7, the U.P. City Council will launch a new hybrid format for its regular meetings which will enable people to participate in person or remotely.
Councilmembers, staff, presenters and members of the public can attend the meeting in the Council Chambers or stay home and join remotely. Since April 2020, as part of their regular meetings, the City Council has regularly accepted citizen comments virtually and through written comments. With this hybrid meeting format, these means of communicating directly with the City Council remain and the Council Chambers is now reopened for the public.
All those who attend in person will be required to wear masks, per State of Washington directives, and socially distance.
City staff are finalizing many of the technical details required to ensure proper taping and playback for all items addressed both in-person and remotely.
The Sept. 7 City Council meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. Those who wish to attend remotely can find the evening’s agenda and instructions on how to join the meeting on the City’s Event Calendar when it’s available, likely by this Friday. As a reminder, those who join remotely and have questions or comments they would like the Council to address must submit those items to City Clerk Emy Genetia no later than 5:30 p.m. on the day of the meeting to be included in the evening’s agenda.