A press release from Metro Parks Tacoma.

Tacoma, WA – On Saturday, Sept. 4, 2021, Metro Parks Tacoma, in partnership with The City of Tacoma, present Tacoma Summer Blast, a family-friendly day of live music, food, entertainment and crafts vendors, culminating in a fireworks display over Commencement Bay.
The community-wide event, called Tacoma Summer Blast, will kick off at noon on Saturday at both Dune Peninsula and Point Ruston with a selection of vendors from the popular Tacoma Night Market. Attendees can browse the vendors’ handcrafted wares as a stage of live music on the Cambia Legacy Lawn sets the vibe starting at 12:30 p.m. and continuing until just before the fireworks begin at 9 p.m. Point Ruston is the presenting sponsor of the live music stage.
“We are pleased to offer the community a full day of entertainment and fun in a safe, outdoor setting at Dune Peninsula,” said Erik Hanberg, president of the Board of Park Commissioners. “Parks have played a key role in our community’s health throughout the pandemic and we’re pleased to partner with the City, Point Ruston, and the Tacoma Night Market to cap off the summer with this event.”
The fireworks display will launch from a barge about 3,000 feet offshore from Cummings Park, maximizing prime visibility from most parks along the Ruston Way Waterfront, from Dune Peninsula Park in the north to Jack Hyde Park in the south. The fireworks show is produced by Western Fireworks Display.
Ruston Way will remain open to vehicle traffic, and restaurants and other businesses may remain open during the event.
Community safety remains a top priority and government guidelines will be followed for the presentation of safe outdoor events. Due to the changing COVID-19 landscape the event may be canceled.
Per current state and county health department guidance, masks are strongly recommended at the event for everyone ages five and up. If state or county health authorities issue updated guidelines for masking at outdoor events, those guidelines will apply to this event.
For the most up to date rundown of musical performances, vendors and details, visit TacomaSummerBlast.com.