Submitted by City of DuPont.

The City of Montesano defended their title as Mayor’s Cup Champions in the fourth annual Washington State Waste Connections Mayor’s Cup Golf Tournament.
21 teams from 10 different cities represented their place of home or work in the tournament. Teams played 18 holes at The Home Course, a USGA Championship golf course, in DuPont, WA.
The City of Montesano will receive their engraved trophy to be showcased in their City Hall for one year until the 2022 Mayor’s Cup. Montesano had previously won the 2019 Mayor’s Cup.
The Mayor’s Cup is proudly sponsored by Waste Connections, The Home Course, and The City of DuPont.
For everyone who supported this amazing event the Mayors Cup thanks you! Waste Connections! Holy cow you folks were tremendous providing sponsorship as well as volunteers! All the teams that competed deserve a salute, as organizing an athletic competition during these times is quite the challenge.
See you all next year!