A press release from Sound Transit.

Crews are installing curb and gutter on the west side of Stadium Way from Division Avenue to S. 4th Street. As part of the track work, crews also are pouring concrete for the roadway in the Division Ave and Stadium Way intersection. The southbound lane on Stadium Way is closed between Broadway and S. 4th St. Northbound Stadium Way is open from I-705 to Tacoma Ave. To access parking garages on Stadium Way, please turn left to enter or exit the garages – thank you.
The contractor is installing curb and gutter on the west side of MLK Jr. Way from S. 19th St. to S. 16th St., as well as overhead wires in the center of MLK Jr. Way from S. 19th St. to S. 15th St. The northbound lane on MLK Jr. Way is closed from S. 19th to S. 16th St. Parking will not be available on either side of the street during the wire work. In addition, crews are installing signals at S. 9th St. and MLK Jr. Way intersection, and will start installing signals at the Earnest Brazill St. intersection as soon as Aug. 17.
On Commerce Street, crews are installing track, curb, gutter, paving and the platform for the Old City Hall Station. On E. 25th Street, crews are installing track, curb, gutter, and paving. Crews will start cleaning rail on Division Avenue as soon as Aug. 19.
Looking ahead, the contractor will start installing curb and gutter on the east side of MLK Jr. Way from S. 13th St. to S. 10th St. as soon as Aug. 23. To minimize construction impacts to the community at the Hilltop Summer Splash on Aug. 21, the contractor will start this work after that event. Sound Transit proudly sponsors the Hilltop Summer Splash, and encourages you to support businesses and connect with neighbors at this fun event!
Construction and traffic restrictions at Commerce Street, S. 7th Street, Stadium Way, Division Avenue, Martin Luther King Jr. Way, S. 9th Street, Earnest Brazill St., and E. 25th Street.
Week of August 16
- Commerce Street from I-705 to S. 9th St. – southbound lane closure.
- Commerce Street from crosswalk north of Theater District Station to S. 7th St. – northbound lane closed to thru traffic during working hours (generally 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.).
- S. 7th Street at Commerce Street – no left-turn.
- Stadium Way from Broadway to S. 4th St – southbound lane closed. Please follow the detour on Tacoma Ave., St. Helens or Broadway.
- Division Avenue from Broadway to Stadium Way – closed to thru traffic.
- Division Avenue from MLK Jr. Way to Yakima Ave – traffic restrictions.
- Martin Luther King Jr. Way and S. 9th Street intersection – traffic restrictions.
- Martin Luther King Jr. Way and Earnest Brazill St. intersection – traffic restrictions.
- Martin Luther King Jr. Way from S. 19th St. to S. 16th St – northbound lane closure.
- E. 25th Street from E. G St. to E. J St. – eastbound lane closure.
- E. 25th Street from E. G St. to E. J St. – street closure on Saturday, Aug. 21.