A news story from Phil Raschke.

At a recent luncheon, Rose Marie Lewis of Lakewood was honored for her 30 years of dedicated service to the Clover Park Kiwanis Club.
During her 30 years Rose Marie served as Club President, volunteered at the Kiwanis concession stand at Cheney Stadium, helped maintain the Club’s community garden and championed the Kiwanis’ “Bicycles from Heaven” program which repaired thousands of used bicycles and then donated them to needy children both locally and internationally. Prior to the presentation, Board Member Bart Dalton noted that “when there was a need, Rose Marie was always there.”
Presenting Rose Marie with her Certificate of Recognition was Club President Thomas Thompson. Thompson was joined in the presentation by Phil Raschke (R) who had earlier provided the Club with a presentation on the 80th Anniversary of the famous WW II Flying Tigers.