A press release from Office of Pierce County Councilmember Jani Hitchen.

Join Pierce County Council District 5 and District 6 Councilmembers Marty Campbell and Jani Hitchen for an in-person meeting with Pierce County officials on the following topics:
- Parks
- Public safety
- Code enforcement
- Community and Economic Development
The meeting is Thursday, Aug. 26 at 6 p.m. at Keithley Middle School, 12324 12th Ave S, Tacoma.
Bring your questions to the meeting where we will create space for a Parkland community conversation. In addition, we have invited several Parkland specific community organizations to join us and share. Looking forward to seeing you in person.
For more information contact my office: 253-798-3308 or email jani.hitchen@piercecountywa.gov