A news story from Clover Park Rotary.

Clover Park Rotary was presented with the State Volunteer Group of the year award last week by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife for their efforts to restore the South Sound Wildlife Area located here in Lakewood.
Clover Park Rotary has partnered with many of our local service clubs including Lakewood Rotary, Lakewood First Lions, Steilacoom Kiwanis, South Tacoma Rotary, Local Scout troops, and community members to rebuild the public access of the Wild Life area over the past two years.

Volunteers have contributed close to 2,000 hours of work and over $40,000 to make the area usable to the public and to begin restoration of the educational and informational area of the Wildlife area.
Located on Phillips Road this unique area is an oasis for animals in the middle of our urban area and provides habitat and study area for two endangered species. The prairie area and hatchery are open to the public during hours of daylight and offer a great opportunity for wildlife viewing, walking, picnicking or walking the family dog.

Work continues on the project several times a year and you are invited to join in the project.
Watch The Suburban Times for announcements about the next opportunity to join our community in this restoration project.
For more information contact Alan Billingsley, project coordinator by email to alanb@toolpak.com
I remain envious of this fabulous project that Clover Park Rotary has undertaken and thrived with. I wish Lakewood Rotary would have thought of it! But so happy for our sister club, rockin’ it! Way to go!