I went to the Dollar Tree in University Place last week. My wife and I live in the North/West End of Tacoma. The roof of the nearby Dollar Tree collapsed last December. It’s surprising what we find that we need at the Dollar Tree from hardware to food, and art supplies.
At the U.P. Dollar Tree, I bought three weeks worth (three jars – two in the kitchen and one in the pantry) of Bread and Butter Pickles for me, and one week’s breakfast (a package of hot dogs) for our crow neighbors. There was only one other shopper in the store. At the checkout line she was slow with her card. While she fumbled around, the clerk behind the counter took my selections from the shopping basket and was ready to handle my purchase as soon as the other customer finished juggling her card. I was probably mentally rolling my eyes, but said nothing.
Finally, it was just me and the cashier. I didn’t comment on the previous purchase, but simply asked, “Are they ever going to re-open the Dollar Tree at Highland Hill?” “No,” was the quick answer. After the cashier handed me my receipt, she immediately went to unpacking boxes to re-stock the shelves. I watched her as she worked and then commented, “You are a hard worker!” She looked up in surprise. I don’t know that anyone had ever told her that, but I appreciated her efforts as she went about her duties.
If you visit Dollar Tree in University Place, look for the black woman worker perhaps five-six or seven. She appeared to be in her mid-forties. I appreciate hard workers. I should have asked her name. Sometimes managers don’t recognize effort, but I do. If you do, too, . . . let people know . . . and for sure let this hard-working woman know.
Love the Dollar Tree in UP. Every thing in there is a buck. My hobby is repairing and refinishing furniture and I need a constant supply of small plastic containers. I can go out of the Dollar Tree with a large bag full for about seven or eight dollars. Compare that to Tupperware.
Great article Don, Thanks and I will look for your hard-working cashier at my next visit.
Excellent. Yes, we love them, too. I just wish they would re-open the store on Highland Hill (roof collapsed). Not everything is a bargain, but many, many items are. I also recommend Dollar Tree for emergency preparations (them and St, Vinnies). I’m glad to see I’m not alone!
Thanks for sharing.
Love your “breakfast for the crows”, Don. What I love even more is that you see the heart and soul a worker puts into their work and tell them so. I usually do that, too. It might make that person’s day. It’s so important to be seen as a person not just as a given.
(I like Dollar Tree, too. My go-to place is though the big one on Steilacoom Boulevard in Lakewood, unless I don’t have the time and go to the more crowded but equally friendly one in Towne Center.)
I agree on your choices. We loved the one near us on Sixth Ave, but we don’t always get what we want. We sometimes go to the one on Pacific (near Parkland). The bigger the store, but more things to ponder over. I always let people know when they do a good job . . . poor workers never like being told they are poor workers, however.
Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for the note about hot dogs for the crows. We’ve been getting 88 cent dogs from Fred Meyer (some cheap brand) but they are out or no longer carrying them. Our crows are upset about missing the dogs so I will hit up the Dollar Tree today. Love them that’s where I get all my cards and sacks for presents.
Thanks for commenting. I’m glad the hot dog comment worked well for you. We were giving them peanuts in the shell, but that was messy and the hot dogs make it easier and as you note the crows love the meat.
Thanks for sharing.
Yes, we are feeding squirrels and it truly is a mess. Crows get peanuts too, but they prefer leftover fries, pancakes but the hot dogs most of all!! The squawking babies that want to keep being fed by mom drove us a bit crazy for a while. I was afraid the neighbors – who are not happy with our feeding program – were going to come unglued!!
Thanks for commenting. Yesssssss . . . the hot dogs are amazing. The crows haven’t stopped dropping snail shells, but there is no clean up. The crows pick up the little rounds of hot dogs I cut up for them and take them back to their nests. I did have someone knocking on my basement door, however. I opened it to find a crow, I now call him Copperfield, asking “Please, sir, could I have more?” But, so far none have asked for buns or mustard.
Thanks for sharing.