The Tacoma – Pierce County Final Four Golf Tournament features the Transportation Club of Tacoma (August 12th – North Shore Golf Club), the Buffalo Soldiers Museum (August 27th – Eagle’s Pride Golf Course), Soroptimist International – Tacoma (September 10th – Oakbrook Golf Club), and the Tacoma South Rotary Indoor Golf Tournament (October 22nd – Harkness Furniture).
Forget about dribbling, and three pointers on TV, all you ex and current athlete wannabees have a chance to participate. Our final four of the golfing season are designed to help the Tacoma-Pierce County community and those who either want to share their skills in three excellent local courses and one madcap evening and for those who just like to carry a club and have fun!

Final Four #1
Each year the HiJinks Golf Tournament at North Shore is a lot of fun and hot competition. The money raised by the Transportation Club of Tacoma from the tournament funds their high school senior scholarship program. I’ve been a member for years and love the tournament. North Shore is always a great course to play on.
Thursday, August 12th
North Shore Golf Course
4101 Northshore Blvd NE, Tacoma, WA 98422
11:00 a.m. – Registration Opens
11:30 a.m. – Lunch
1:00 p.m. – Shotgun Start
Dinner and Prizes to Follow Golf
- Golfers ($150.00 per player) Lunch, Dinner, Goodie bag, Raffle included
- Sponsors (Starting at $100 up to $550)
For more scholarship information, please visit –

Final Four #2 – Community Building and Military Appreciation
“Our military is always there for Americans in peace and war times. Buffalo Soldiers Museum will be hosting our Annual Military Appreciation fund raising golf tournament on August 27, 2021 at Eagle Pride Golf Course – I-5 Exit 116 Tacoma, WA 98405. Our goal is to make this tournament as memorable as possible for all participants and show appreciation for our military. Our mission is to educate, preserve and present American military history and the Buffalo Soldiers integration from 1866 – 1945, through their dedication, bravery and service. The resources will fund our youth education programs and support our partnerships with public schools and community building.”
Friday, August 27th
Eagle Pride Golf Course
11:00 a.m. – Registration Opens
1:00 p.m. – Shotgun Start
Box Lunch
Dinner and Prizes to Follow Golf
$125 per player, $500 per team
Buffalo Soldiers Registration –
For more information about the Buffalo Soldiers Museum please visit –

Final Four #3 – Soroptimist International of Tacoma 23rd Annual Charity Golf Tournament (except during COVID)
Monies raised from the tournament help fund “Dream It, Be It” classes for girls who need help learning skills to overcome obstacles to achieving success.
Friday, September 10, 2021
Oakbrook Golf Club – 8102 Zircon Drive S.W., Lakewood, Washington
11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – Registration & Check-In
1:00 p.m. – Shotgun Start – Scramble (4 person team)
Social & Dinner – 5:30 p.m.
Costs: $150 per golfer and includes golf, cart, dinner, Tee prizes and prizes for competition,
For more information, please contact chairperson Sharon Bittner – 253-531-4750 or
Final Four #4 – Tacoma South Rotary’s Great Indoor Golf Tournament – October 22nd at Harkness Furniture
Tacoma South Rotary is made up of about 20-25 members some businesses and some non-profits. They’ve had the indoor putt putt at Harkness furniture for 25 years. They set up 18 holes of putt putt golf and have them decorated. Most feature charity partners who man them. There is a live band and a bar as well as a hosted and catered buffet dinner. A silent auction occurs during the evening. Over the course of 25 years they have raised in excess of $1 million almost all of which has gone right back into the local community, the rest into scholarships and international programs. Not bad for a group of 25 Rotarians. The cost is $75 per person which includes dinner and a beverage as well as mulligans to help you buy down your score. It’s really a fun event and the major fundraiser for Tacoma South Rotary.
Friday, October 22nd
Sign in – 5:00 p.m.
Dinner at 6:00 p.m. followed by golf and fun!
For more information, please contact
Harkness Furniture – 6612 South Tacoma Way – Tacoma, WA 98409
I’m going to enter at least two of these events, but have donated to each one. For each tournament I have given three beautifully framed sports figure autographs like David Kreig and Steve Largent to Ken Griffy, Jr and the “Beast Mode” himself.
Help our community and enjoy a fun golfing event or just attend all of them . . . it’s the final four!