Submitted by Don Anderson.
An explanation of next week’s changes from the Federal Way police chief can be read on the Federal Way Mirror website. Our legislature approved these changes.
The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.
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Submitted by Don Anderson.
An explanation of next week’s changes from the Federal Way police chief can be read on the Federal Way Mirror website. Our legislature approved these changes.
The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.
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How about a new letter: New Limits on Criminal Actions. Public safety is government’s JOB#1. Handcuffing police for political expediency puts us all at risk.
It has become clear that our current crop of elected officials are unaware of their duties to the law abiding public. Criminals now appear to be a higher priority to our blinded elected representatives.
The actions of the legislator will cause crime to increase resulting in greater loss of life, greater numbers of injuries to citizens, increased loss of property and a heighten fear for personal safety on our streets.
If only the victims of the legislators social experiments could sue these legislators I think they would be far more thoughtful before entertaining their personal ideologies.
I was appaled at the new “guidelines”. They literally handcuff the police and it is extremely dangerous to us. I cannot see why they are doing this. Horrible!
I plan on looking up who in Olympia voted for this. Seems like they are a bunch of lemmings who are following our states and not thinking for them selves
Don’t bother looking it up. It passed along party lines. If you don’t know which party is responsible, you aren’t following what’s going on.
There is a reason for the upsurge in criminal activity. First you create a victims group who are told that society (rather than their own personal choices) are the reason they are so unsuccessful. It’s all about “systemic racism” which is a complete fallacy. Once they believe this, they feel entitled to take out that false anger on the system that allegedly discriminated against them. So the criminal class expands and becomes more viralent, sinking them even deeper personally. Now add to this handcuffing the police and you have a perfect storm: a society ripe for the picking in a criminal dream world Personal bad behavior justified with no real consequences. A new career choice.
What is the job of police? I was told that it is not to protect and serve, it is to impose the law. Defund the police, they do nothing but hand out tickets to make a quota. Look up the statistics. Most crimes are unsolved. Have you ever had a reason to call the cops? How did that work out for you? Why send a cop to resolve a problem with a person who has a mental issue? Why send a cop that has no problem killing a black person who does not comply with their demands? There are many stories about misuse of the power they are given. They believe themselves to be untouchable and that should end.