Submitted by Ricardo Dela Cabeza.
In 1987 my father made a bold and dangerous move. He applied for permission to move to the United States from Cuba. The next day the police came, and he was placed in prison as a warning to the family. Two years later he was released, and we moved to Miami, we left everything behind. From there we moved to Washington state. In Cuba, all are suspects (Black, White, Latino) under a State-controlled police force. When I moved to Tacoma, I was shocked that people of color were at far greater risk of police brutality than Caucasians, much different than Cuba. I was told this as a child in Cuba as part of our scholastic indoctrination.
Little has changed these last 34 years as a U.S. citizen. Black Americans are 2.5 times more likely than whites to be killed by police. I don’t fly a Black Lives Matter (BLM) flag out of fear that both I and my family will be targeted. I have found that many who are willing to publicly support the Black Lives Matter movement are white. I find that comforting and courageous. Racial equality must be the touchstone of both police and elected officials. I recently talked to a state representative about this. I loved his response. He said, “all lives matter”, to the fire department all houses matter, but the one burning matter more.“
The armed, trained, and militarized police are far from endangered, that is not the case within our black communities. Young black men are endangered on so many levels, but nothing is more terrifying to my son or my family than the possibility of him being pulled over by a white police officer. I make sure his tabs are current, he wears a seatbelt, and at least once a week check I make sure taillights work. When he drives away from our home, I always get a pit of fear in my abdomen.
It’s no accident the Blue Lives Matter (BLM) countermovement did not choose Police Lives Matter. Their choice of words is a subtle, veiled insult to the black community. It suggests their movement is more about suppressing minorities than supporting law enforcement. Blue Lives Matter is intentionally or unintentionally supporting a system of discriminatory policing. This flag is often flown by white supremacists while appearing next to Confederate flags. However, they were pervasive on 6 January 2021 on the steps of the Capitol. This flag represents division, not harmony. The firearms Sig Sauer company makes a “thin blue line pistol.” Imagine the political upheaval if they made a Black Lives Matter weapon. Let that sink in.

Yesterday while visiting a friend and driving through Steilacoom I drove past a pickup truck with a huge Blue Lives Matter flag in the rear window, parked next to a police car. It took a little investigation to find out the truck belonged to a Steilacoom police officer who lived there. My fearful thoughts immediately returned to my 17-year-old son and his friends who use Steilacoom beaches and parks.
I have chosen not to name the officer. I would however request the Town of Steilacoom’s elected officials and the chief of police (Tom Yabe) investigate and take immediate, and decisive corrective action. I would hope the officer would have the moral courage to remove it and understand the message that it sends to people of color.
National issues are now at the local level. Elections are coming to Steilacoom. I am asking those who are currently sitting in elected and appointed positions within the town of Steilacoom to have the integrity to speak out, take corrective action, or face the political consequences from their indifference or silence on this issue. City representatives, what say you?
Please keep your political vitriol off of this site.
I agree with you John as this is not a political platform I live in Steilacoom and if folks have issues with our public safety talk to the chief of police not bad mouth our officers in this way
Yes please do not exercise your first amendment right in the press. We must preserve the charm of our little town. Nothing to see here folks. Ignore the the black man, of course, he can breathe, the police officer is in charge of the situation. Karen White, who appointed you hall monitor?
Are you the editor? No I didn’t think so.
Ricardo, I don’t know how to thank you enough for submitting this letter. I think you may have saved my life. You see, I drive through Steilacoom quite often but no more. Had I known that a police officer lives in that town, parks his police car at his residence, PLUS has the audacity to display a huge “Blue Lives Matter” flag in the rear window of his pickup (must be a huge rear window), I never would have driven through that beautiful town. I demand that that police officer be immediately terminated, the chief of police be severely chastised, and that police funding be decreased by 80%. I further demand that the city council take action to evict said police officer from his residence. In a free society, we cannot allow a police officer the right to live amongst the populace.
Tongue in cheek indeed. Yes in a free society we do need to implement draconian measures and become more like the Cuba Richardo’s family fled.
Way, way tongue in cheek. One wonders if he’s bright enough to pick up on it. For all I know, he now considers me a comrade. It seems that sarcasm is the only way sometimes to respond to some of the drivel people like Ricardo spew.
You sound like a typical white entitled male with your own pickup Trump.
Why stop at 80%?
Interesting that the current administration wants to keep “freedom fighters” in Cuba from coming to the US. Our leader has stated that anyone trying to enter the US from Cuba will be turned back.
And yet a blind eye is turned to the southern border with Mexico, allowing thousands to come into our country illegally. Could it be that the Cubans know all too well what socialism/communism is about and fears they would protest the current moves toward it?
The slogan is Blue Lives Matter, and not Police Lives, is because it represents law enforcement as a whole, not just police. I don’t know where your assumptions come from, but that one is not correct. If no black men died at the hands of police whatsoever, how would that change the number who die by violence of other means? It seems odd to ONLY pick one minor cause to champion. If the goal is to protect, shouldn’t we address all major causes?
Thank you for your letter. I am sorry you and your son are going through this. Please be safe
Aren’t we fortunate that the Cabezas, Arbeenys, Domans et all can from time to time publish screeds that others consider obnoxious drivel, and yet no one in a uniform of any color shows up at their door to shut them up. Let’s all hoist one for free speech.
Or Ray Egan for that matter although I do wish he’d be a little more expressive about his ideas on subjects rather than just a couple of dismissive one liners. However, even that is protected by the First Amendment. We all can’t be geniuses.
Clearly you missed the overarching point of the post but we are fortunate that arrogant connards like you are here to clarrifiy “free speech” with your pseudo intellect. Let’s all roll one for free speech.
Ricardo Dela Cabeza,
You have some excellent ideas for your son. Tabs, seatbelt… Conversely you are off the mark in several areas. It is not my intention to attack you, but rather to educate you on additional ways to keep your son alive.
(1) All lives matter. It is reverse recism to only say Black lives matter. They matter, but they are not the only ones that matter. All lives matter and accordingly everyone should be treated fairly and alike.
(2) Most cops do not shoot people because they are Black. Are there any? I am sure there are, but most do not.
Cops shoot blacks because of their failure to comply with lawful orders as they simultaneiously pose a threat.
Teach your son to comply with any person of authority, which includes teachers, parents, cops, firemen… If the cop or person of authority is wrong, take it up with his or her supervisor on another day. Do not fight it out in the street.
Teach your son the short phrase that says it all, “Comply or die”.
As a police officer I once had my firearm pointed at 4 car thief felons who had returned to the scene of the crime. The criminal’s car contained 1 white female, 2 white males, and 1 Black male driver.
The 3 whites complied with my lawful orders to keep their hands in plain view on the seatback and dash. The Black male’s parents had apparently failed him by not teaching him to comply. He kept dropping his hands off the steering wheel into an area that could have contained a weapon.
I screamed so all 4 and the neighbors could hear something like, “I have all the slack out of the trigger and I have nowhere to go. If you do not comply by keeping your hands on the steering wheel, I am going to start pumping lead into your car, and everyone is going to get some.”
The 3 White occupants understood my message and joined my side and started yelling to the driver to keep his hands on the steering wheel.
FAt that juncture all 4 complied, which meant no shots fired. A young Black male was not killed by the police. I am very happy about that. No decent human being wants to hurt or kill anyone. Conversely, I would have shot the driver if he came up with a weapon in his hands.
Everytime a Black male is killed by police or any race member is killed by police, look for what the press and protestors fail to talk about.
Did the suspect comply? Did the suspect create a threat?
If the police command, “Drop the cell phone or I will shoot.” Drop the phone or kiss yourself goodbye.
Many of you will think shooting a Black male or any color of citizen is unreasonable over a cell phone, but that is probably because you are not knowledgeable enough about police work to know that there are guns dissquised as cell phones. A police officer can be killed by being shot with a cell phone.
Parents, teach your kids, “Comply or die”.
Joseph Boyle – 20 + years law enforcement
“Cops shoot blacks because of their failure to comply with lawful orders as they simultaneously pose a threat.” Good lord what a wretched ensemble of ignorant vile.
“Cops shoot blacks”….you could have just stopped there. First of all, I am thankful you are no longer a police officer.
Seems to me George Floyd “a black” was fully compliant and fully handcuffed when he was slowly strangled by a “police officer” while three others stood by and watched.
Well I see all the regular racists and apologists for the police are out in force. The keep trying to tell everyone that they are not these things but their racism and hate for the those who are not of their own color shines through. Nothing but white supremacist a holes. You think that this is a good town? I don’t. I am only glad that most of the youth of today have no time to waste on worthless individuals such as yourself. I wonder if you have gotten your shots yet? I do hope that the answer is no.
“Nothing but white supemacist a holes” Who is being the racist here?
And if you do a little bit of research you will find out that being a cop is not as dangerous as many other jobs. Anyone who believes in the “Comply or die” thoughts process is a piece of s**t that should have never been on any police force.
Ricardo Dela Cabeza,
As a black parent in Steilacoom, I understand exactly what you are talking about. I’m sadden, but not surprise by the negative reply to your post from our neighbors. It easy to hide behind, “blue lives matter “, “all lives matter”, and “comply or die” statements, then to admit that some individuals within the system are flawed.
I have lot’s of respect for Law Enforcement. I have family and friends in all avenue in the police force. I hear stories of the dangers they face daily in and out of uniform.
They can take the blue uniform off to remove one risk, but they can never remove their black skin.
Comply or die is false statement; Philando Castile as well as countless others did comply and ended up dead at the hand of officer. Ricardo’s and mine greatest fears!
Let me make sure that I get this right.
An immigrant, minority, and a man of color expresses a legitimate concern about the safety of his son and an inappropriate slogan on a public servant’s vehicle and you attack his character and his constitutionally protected 1st Amendment? Got it.
How many white folks do you know who have been targeted by the police because they are white? As a person of color, I can clearly state your white privilege comments are blinding.
Patrick, I apologize for all of the white people who have made your life miserable. In order to make up for it, please let me help you out the next time you go to the grocery store. With the enormous burden that you have carried due to your cultural suppression, I understand that you rely heavily upon your crutches. So much so that it must be difficult for you to carry your own groceries. Please don’t hesitate to give me a shout the next time you need help.
Let me get this right, a public servant puts their life on the line and has a significant other in their life that puts a sticker on a private vehicle that supports law enforcement. An overzealous individual is triggered by this and tries to cancel the officer. A group of people here call the triggered author out for being irrational and you are appalled by the racism involved. That’s the pot calling the kettle black.