Join us for a Non-Partisan Candidate Forum to meet your local candidates from Dupont and Lakewood City Councils and Steilacoom Town Council as well as Clover Park and University Place School Boards who will be vying for your vote on August 3, 2021.
Every candidate with a Primary race has been invited.
Friday, July 16 (enter main entrance)
Meet the candidates (segments approx. 30-40 minutes):
- 5:40-6:10pm – Dupont City Council Position #3: Beth Elliott, Chris Harper, and Susanna Keilman
- 6:20-6:50pm – Dupont City Council Position #7: Susan Walton, Bob Farrell, and John Colvin,
- 7:00-7:40pm – Steilacoom Town Council Position #2: Marion Smith (I), John T. Perry, Paul (PK) Thumbi, and Elizabeth Grasher
- 7:40-8:10pm – University Place School Board Position #1: Ethelda Burke (I), Whitney Holz, and Alecia Cunningham
Saturday, July 17 (enter door on left side of church by 5400)
Meet the candidates (segments approx. 30-40 minutes):
- 10:10-10:40am – Lakewood City Council Position #2: Mike Brandstetter (I), Malcolm Russell, and Amelia Isabel Escobedo
- 10:45-11:15am – Lakewood City Council Position #3: Jason Whalen (I), Siabhon Ayuso, and David Howarth
- 11:15am-12pm – Lakewood City Council Position #5: Gene Drawhorn, Patti Belle, Ria J. Covington Johnson, and Antonio Calimano Montanez
- 12:00-12:30pm – Clover Park School District Position #3: Alyssa Anderson Pearson (I), Darwin Peters II, and Jeff Brown
- 12:30-1:10pm – Clover Park School Board Position #4: Arie J. Ham, Marty Schafer (I), Andrea Caldwell, and David G. Anderson
First Baptist Church
5400 112th Street SW
Lakewood, WA
We are accepting questions prior to the forum. Please send them to Jan Gee at
Disclaimer: This event is for information sharing only. The sponsors do not endorse the candidates as an organization.
Sponsored by Lakewood Republican Women and South Sound Ronald Reagan Republican Club.
Is this the only candidate forum scheduled for the Steilacoom candidates?
Another will be held On July 21 on Zoom –
Thank you!
How disingenuous advertising this forum as “Non-partisan” when it’s sponsored by the Republicans. For shame.