Riders told Sound Transit they want to see improved lighting, pedestrian infrastructure, bicycle infrastructure, additional parking and more at the Lakewood and South Tacoma Stations.
Sound Transit hosted an online open house from April 1-20, 2021, to introduce the Lakewood and South Tacoma Stations Access Improvements projects to the public and to seek feedback on types of improvements that would support the community. More than 550 people visited the online open house. In addition, we held briefings with 11 local community groups, service organizations and commissions to talk about the project and seek input on potential improvements.
Themes from the Lakewood survey and briefings included:
- Lighting improvements at the station and on surrounding streets would help people feel safer.
- Support for additional parking at or near the station.
- Improving pedestrian infrastructure through adding sidewalks, crosswalks, lighting and shelters near the station, and widening existing sidewalks.
- Improving bicycle infrastructure in surrounding neighborhoods.
- Safer pedestrian and bicycle access from Springbrook to the station, including on 47th Ave SW and the 47th Ave SW bridge over I-5.
Read more in the full outreach summary.
As a disabled person having a place to sit as a respite site between stops is essential.. can’t transit from stop to stop without the ability of a bench seat occasionally there are none…nearly none!