By Bruce Dammeier, Pierce County Executive.
While the COVID-19 virus has not been fully eradicated, we are seeing exciting milestones that signal we are on a brighter path.
The governor officially “opened” the state this week, ending many of the restrictions that had been put in place. On Wednesday I rescinded the emergency proclamation that I signed on March 6 last year. And we learned that Husky Stadium will be rocking this fall – Bow Down to Washington!

Now it’s time for us to help our residents and their businesses recover from the devastating economic toll the pandemic took on their livelihoods.
One area of particular importance is our agriculture community. Our local farmers sustain us year-round, but I especially appreciate them in the summer when I can enjoy fresh corn, sweet berries (with ice cream, of course!) and even grilled asparagus.
Supporting our farmers and the markets that bring fresh produce directly to people of Pierce County has been a special focus of Councilmember Marty Campbell. He joined me on a recent tour of Early Bird Farms in the Puyallup Valley, and you can see the highlights here:
My thanks to Rawley Johnson, the owner of Early Bird, for the time he took to show us his farm. This was my second visit to Early Bird, and it was interesting to see how the farm and their business model have changed in the last few years. I’m grateful to Rawley and all the local farmers who provide healthy and delicious food for us – as well as keeping us connected to our rich farming heritage and helping conserve our environment. I’m especially pleased that both CARES Act funds and American Rescue Plan Act money have been used to sustain our farmers and make their products available to more of our residents.
I don’t know about you, but I will be enjoying some of the fruits of their labor when I celebrate the Fourth of July with family on Sunday!
Enjoy a well-deserved holiday, and please leave the fireworks to the professionals this year.
First published on the Pierce County website.