West Pierce Fire & Rescue is dedicated to ensuring the community is prepared in the event of a disaster. During major disasters, such as an earthquake, firefighters may be delayed in their response to 9-1-1 calls and the community will need to rely on each other to assist until help arrives.
Each month, WPFR is sharing tips from the Washington Emergency Management Division’s Prepare in a Year series, available here in both English and Spanish. This process breaks down disaster preparedness into smaller tasks that can be accomplished month to month.
This month’s disaster preparedness tip is about fire safety.

Be prepared for home fires! Most home fires happen because of unattended cooking, smoking indoors, fireworks, or unsafe use of woodstoves or space heaters.
Smoke alarms should be installed in and outside each sleeping area and on every level of the home. Carbon monoxide alarms should be installed on every level of your residence.
Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms should be tested monthly to ensure they’re working properly. Smoke alarms should replaced every 10 years and carbon monoxide alarms every seven, which is the end of their life spans. For more information and our grant-funded program, please click here. Need smoke or carbon monoxide alarms? We can help!
Flammable items should be stored in approved containers in well ventilated areas, or outdoors in metal containers.
Install ABC fire extinguishers in your home and make sure everyone in your house knows the correct method for using the fire extinguisher. Remember: If the fire is too big for you to handle, evacuate your house and call 9-1-1 from outside.
Prep tip: Practice your fire escape plan! Be sure to get the entire family involved. Click here to teach children about fire escape planning, too.
The post Prepare in a Year: July appeared first on West Pierce Fire & Rescue.