The Lakewood Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to the growth of the economy and to support the job providers in our community. We believe it’s never too soon to teach kids about the excitement (and challenges) of being an entrepreneur. That’s why we’re excited to roll out Lemonade Day Lakewood, engaging local school kids with the help of their parents/mentors.
We’re offering ~ free of charge ~ the use of a new App that’s in a digital curriculum format ~ to any grade school child who lives in Lakewood, DuPont, Parkland, Spanaway, University Place, South Tacoma and JBLM.

First, a parent/mentor signs up for the kid(s) on the App which is downloadable. It’s a virtual world where kids learn everything they need to know about starting, owning and operating their own business – a lemonade stand.
The program is ideal for 3rd to 6th graders, but younger and older students have also participated and benefited greatly.
After weeks and sometimes months of working on their business plans product testing and marketing, children launch their business on Friday, August 27th for Lemonade Day Lakewood.

As with any program, bringing Lemonade Day into a community isn’t free. The Chamber is looking for sponsors to help offset the cost of bringing this program to our youth. If you would like to support the continuation of this program and get your business name in front of the community, you can check out the various sponsorship levels of here:
To sign up your children for Lemonade Day Lakewood, visit Questions? Feel free to contact Linda Smith at or call 253-582-9400.