The 2021 Tacoma Propeller Club Memorial Scholarship competition was held on April 21 at the Courtyard Marriott Tacoma. Seventeen Pierce County public high schools participated. The scholarship applicants were selected by their high school counselors and career guidance specialists.
The scholarship was awarded to the student with the highest score computed by five judges for financial need, grade point average, community and school involvement, letter of recommendation, and a verbal presentation. This year’s topic was, “For your career after graduation, if you could choose any job at or related to the Port of Tacoma, what would it be, why, and what kind of difference do you think you could make in that position?”.

The 2021 recipient of the $4,000 Tacoma Propeller Club Memorial Scholarship award was Liberty Tucker from White River High School. A second-place award of $2,000 was presented to Sean Jellison from Emerald Ridge High School, and third place, with an award of $1,500, went to Joyce Lee of Curtis High School. $200 cash was awarded to the following scholarship participants: Maya Ford of Bonney Lake High School, Jade Cupples of Fife High School, Makesha Conzuelo of Foss High School, Taylor White of Franklin Pierce High School, Naomi Von Zimmerman of Gig Harbor High School, Ariel Hawkey of Graham Kapowsin High School, Alexavier Cruz-Cruz of Harrison Prep High School, Jake Hoyt of Oakland High School, Adriana Johnson of Peninsula High School, Madeline Bonaci of Science & Math Institute, Anida Sou of Spanaway High School, Abbigail Durant of Stadium High School, William Nelson of Sumner High School, and Emma Tran of Wilson High School.
The total scholarship award for 2021 was $10,300.00, with a twenty-eight (28) year total of over $208,900.00 in cash and merchandise.

Management of the Tacoma Propeller Club Memorial Scholarship is overseen by the “Past Presidents’ Club” of The International Propeller Club of the United States – Port of Tacoma chapter. The Scholarship Committee consists of: Susan Becklund Millikan, Ron Mason, Candy Nigretto, John Page, and Heather Shadko.
The Tacoma Propeller Club Memorial Scholarship Fund is supported by contributions from the Tacoma Propeller Club, its members, local businesses, labor, memorials, private donations, and local charities and foundations. Donations may be made to: Tacoma Propeller Club Memorial Scholarship Fund, P. O. Box 453, Tacoma, WA, 98401.
Local businesses sponsoring students included: ILWU Local 22, Auto Warehousing Company, Northern Environmental, Dave Rink, Tacoma Rail, TOTE Maritime Alaska, and Washington United Terminals. An additional contribution was made by Aequalis Photography, and our Event Sponsor was the Port of Tacoma. Special recognition goes to U.S. Oil for their $4,000 contribution.